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Post by Bet51987 »

Suncho, don't bother with the PM. You've just made my eyes well up and you hurt me more than you will ever know. Its kind of a shock really to have someone you thought was a good guy turn on you like this.

The fword problem was already solved by me just leaving for another game. This was about someone posing as me and I was worried about the younger people not knowing.

Thanks to you, everyone who reads your last post will now open the floodgates and fire away at me endlessly. I will never ever forgive you for that, ever. You and Iceman are now the same to me.

I really don't know what I'm going to do now. I really don't.

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Post by Suncho »

Gosh. I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry.

I sent you the private message because you asked me to. I hope you read it.

Please don't think of me as a bad guy. I try not to be.

I think you're a good person and you're trying to do what you believe is right. I respect that.


Nevermind. I didn't click the send button on that private message. I guess I won't send it now since you don't want me to. =/
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Post by Beowulf »

Holy Christ Bettina lighten up. Why do you take this crap so seriously? It's a bunch of strangers on the Internet that you'll probably never meet. It's a VIDEO GAME. None of this affects your life. It's so insignificant.

If you start crying over what you read on a message board, then you deserve it. Get a skin, grow up, and go outside. This shiz is ridiculous.

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Post by Duper »

Beowulf wrote:Holy Christ Bettina lighten up. Why do you take this crap so seriously?
Because she's a gal, and they are typically effected by stuff like this more than guys are. Why can't YOU be a little nicer. You lighten up. It's not effecting You.
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Post by Kilarin »

Suncho wrote:No doubt, the goal of his stalking activities *WAS* to make Bettina unwelcome. While I've never stalked Bettina before, I can totally understand why someone would.
Being annoyed doesn't excuse this kind of behavior. The impersonator is out of line. I wouldn't go so far as to say his actions were in any way criminal, (which is why I would avoid the "stalker" term) but they are inappropriate.
Suncho wrote:because she doesn't come into chat, people talk about her and she's not there to stand up for herself and these rules she's trying to impose on us.
If people want to talk about someone behind their back, I don't see that the victim has any obligation to show up and participate, nor do I think it would be likely to make much difference if they did.
Suncho wrote:because we've got a diverse community and that diversity needs to be respected.
I'm not certain I understand why respecting diversity goes only one way. It seems that Bettina must respect everyone's right to fire off offensive audio taunts, but the other side doesn't have to respect the rights of those who prefer not to hear such language.

There WAS a time when people actually filtered their language based on who was present. If they thought they were in the company of people who would object, they didn't curse. It seems that the concept of "polite" has disappeared. <sigh>

I have the language filter turned on for text in descent, so most casual cursing gets filtered out. Keeps both sides happy. I keep audio taunts turned off. They can be amusing, but, in general, instead of being funny, they are mostly offensive or, when not offensive, just annoying.

Bettina likes audio taunts. And you can't FILTER audio taunts. So she asks people not to use audio taunts with cursing in her presence. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't seem like an unreasonable request to me.

Since there are a significant number of people who find that if they can't curse, they can't find anything to say at all, it would be nice if there was a technical solution for filtering audio taunts.

The simplest would be a built in way to ignore all audio taunts from a specific pilot. But getting that built into the game is NOT likely to happen at this point. (we should bring it up to the CD team though)

BUT, there might be another way around this. Descent stores all of those taunts in the custom/sounds folder. It would be pretty easy to build an external utility that would simply replace any particular taunt with another. Either a silent taunt, or whatever self effacing sound byte the user preferred to hear from that pilot instead of the cursing.

Of course, I can see several difficulties with the approach. Exactly how to identify which taunt just came through that you didn't like. And how to PLAY those darn osf files if you needed to double check which one you wanted to block.

Ack. Possible, but I certainly won't have any time to play with it for a while, I may try sometime. Unless some brilliant programmer out there beats me to it! :)
Bettina wrote:Thanks to you, everyone who reads your last post will now open the floodgates and fire away at me endlessly.
Don't Panic!
You can't stand up for something without offending people. And that goes for BOTH sides. Your stance offends Suncho, his stance offends you. Suncho disagrees with you, strongly, but it doesn't mean he hates you. And even if he did, the only way to NOT have anyone dislike you is to be so boring no one notices you. :)

Your self image is NOT dependent upon what Suncho, or anyone else, says about you. I know it's hard not to feel it as deep cuts in your soul when the attacks are personal like this. But there is simply no way you can stand up for your beliefs on this kind of issue, without making yourself a target. When you stand up and tell people that the way they speak is offensive, they WILL take it as a personal attack upon them. And that will, naturally, draw personal attacks right back.

If the issue is worth standing up for, then its worth taking a (psychological) beating for. And if you can take the beating, and come out still smiling, you MIGHT find that some of the opposition will respect you for it and be more likely to listen to you in the future.

And all of the above is probably of no comfort or use to you right now whatsoever. Sorry. But most importantly, your stance on cursing isn't anything new, and everyone probably formed their opinions about it, and you in relationship to it, a long time ago. nothing is changing here. You still have plenty of friends, some of them are probably among those who disagree with you.
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Post by TigerRaptor »

Even starting this thread you might have just set your self up again. I’m not trying to scare you or any thing but weirdo’s feed on crap like this. You give someone this kind of attention and expect it to keep happening. Crying about isn't going to help any thing. Taking action will. If someone gets banned for it who gives a crap, then that person got what was coming to them. What I don’t understand is why you have the need to feel guilty about it. Do what needs to be done and stop it. I’m sure you have friends on the servers see what they can do to help.

Just my 2 cents.
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Post by Foil »

What Kilarin said x2.

For those who feel that a player asking for a (temporary!) cease of adult language is somehow intolerant or \"forcing beliefs down my throat\"... how about showing some tolerance and respect yourself? Or put another way, \"it's just a game, grow up!\"

For those who feel that a player asking for a (temporary!) cease of adult language is somehow \"asking to be harassed, mis-represented, and stalked\"... give me a break.

For those who feel that \"it's just a game, strangers on the internet\"... take a look around. Despite the physical distance, we are a certain kind of community. Suncho can attest to this, having actually met most of the veterans here. I'm fairly new, but some of you know me through forums, voice chat, and in game. We're certainly not complete strangers; we're a weird kind of community, and apparently some of us think it's okay for a certain member of that community to be made unwelcome. And that is what is ridiculous.

[My two cents.]
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Post by TechPro »

Of course... this whole mess could have been avoided if two things never happened.
  • Don't curse.
  • Don't impersonate someone else.
While cursing is often used for expression... using \"curse\" words demonstrates a lack of personal self control. There is simply no need to curse, Ever. (IMHO)

Impersonatling somone else is the same as lying and is deceitful. Absolutely un-cool.

There are not that many girls who play Descent online. It's pretty sad that someone had the bad sense to be insulting (repeatedly) to one of them and attempted to damage that girl's reputation. :x
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Post by Top Gun »

Suncho wrote:
Top Gun wrote:I stand by what I said earlier: if I ever come across this bastard in-game, I'll hound him until he gets bored or pissed off and leaves.
See? This is what I'm talking about. Top Gun, you probably just said something pretty close what the stalker said before he started hounding Bettina. Way to show maturity. :roll:
So, now I'm "immature" just because I chose to stand up for someone who was being belittled by an ignoramus? You're trying to tell me that this "stalker" was somehow offended by Bettina's requests not to use curse words and decided to hound her just to stop her from "polluting" his gameplay experience? Please. If an intelligent and courteous person had a problem with Bettina's requests, he would have taken it up with her personally. Instead, we get someone who's using her name and spewing out invectives all over the place, ruining not only Bettina's gaming experience, but those of a lot of other people. Obviously, this individual is neither courteous nor intelligent, but instead small-minded and mean-spirited. Trying to slander a teenage girl? Yeah, a real noble cause there. :roll: Personally, I'd be very annoyed if I came across this individual in-game even if I didn't know Bettina personally, just out of principle over what he was doing. I mean, since when is not using profanity more offensive than spewing it out nonstop?

I think that a few people are forgetting a few key points:
1. Bettina's requests have never been demanding or oppressive. She asks politely, and if her request is denied, she leaves without another word.
2. Profanity adds absolutely nothing to a game of D3, and while I'm not saying that it's out-and-out bad, or that I never use it myself, placing some sort of "value" on it is, at the very least, foolish.
3. You mention "diversity," yet you never seem to acknowledge Bettina's right to play in servers without foul language, and even more, to not have her name demeaned. Respecting a wide range of opinions is one thing, but allowing someone to spew out hateful and vindictive speech completely crosses the line. This has absolutely nothing to do with being "diverse."
4. You mentioned "maturity," yet you seem to ignore the fact that the person in question has absolutely none. Would a mature adult go around posing as a teenage girl and screaming obscenities? Would a mature person resort to slander instead of rational discussion? Would a mature person view the ability to curse as sacrosanct? Somehow, I don't think so.
5. We don't need idiotic behavior like this in our community. We've always held ourselves to a higher standard than the unwashed idiotic masses in CS. Are you telling me we should completely ignore all of that now?
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Post by Diedel »


the position you are exposing here makes you look like an irresponsible sociopath. Basically you say it's legitimate to behave like an ar$ehole, stalk other people, use their nick to make their name bad, and every way to counter this you claim is immature and illegitimate. Honestly, that's rubbish. It's legitimate to ask ppl not to curse. It's illegitimate to stalk and use another person's nick. If that's the only way someone can deal with feeling pressed by Bet, he's a sad, pathetic, gutless, ridiculous little whimp.
Suncho wrote:I didn't say "It's just a game." I said it's just words. It's one thing if someone you know is being mean to you.
You are denying the fact that words can hurt. People have emotions, not just bodies, and a reputation, not just physical health.
Suncho wrote:
Diedel wrote:Excessive swearing in online games also isn't acceptable - just as little as IRL.
That's where you're wrong. D3 is a diverse community full of people who have different beliefs and different ways of expressing themselves. Instead of trying to supress these people who are different, we should, at the very least, be tolerant of them.
No, that's where you are wrong. There are common standards, and your claiming tolerance is foul here. There are limits to everything. Personally, I will leave a game server where constant bad swearing goes on, be it directed at me or not. It creates a bad atmosphere, and I play to relax (and are you going to tell me relaxing by playing a computer game is not real, opposed to 'real world' relaxing? I am fed up with this VL/RL life nonsense: Everybody spending time at the computer/on the internet is a real person, and especially in the Descent community contact is very close, personal and real, as so many people know each other!).
Suncho wrote:
Diedel wrote:And if you consider how well most Descentr's know each other, it's closer to RL than you might think.
I've been to over 15 LANs and I've probably met more than 75% of the active members of this board in person. I don't need a lecture on how close to real life Descent is. Descent is a part of real life, and in real life it might be courteous not to swear, but it's also courteous not to call other people out because they swore.
From what you are writing here, obviously you do need that lecture.
Suncho wrote:
Diedel wrote:#3 Given #2, Bet very much has a point. Unfortunately, there are a few immature idiots around in this community to whom it seems to give something to make a target of someone who is sensitive for it.
If someone calls me a cheater and convinces several server ops to ban me from his server, I will make him a target. End of story.
Did Bet do that? And even if, that would make you act so low as to stalk her, use her nick and curse like hell at others when using it? Then you have a pretty low character, sorry.
Suncho wrote:It's not, but some people think it is. Do you think Bettina goes around asking random strangers on the street not to curse? I doubt it.
You are equaling being somewhere on the street with getting into a computer game with a limited number of participants, most of whom you may even know due to the limited scope of the Descent community? That's nonsense.
Suncho wrote:In games, anyone can be anyone. Nobody can build up a reliable reputation. I think it would be a more responsible action for Bettina to quit complaining about cursing so as not to provoke people who go into games and continually curse at her and the kids she's playing with.
Again you are wrong because the majority of players will always use the same nick, or a nick from a small set, by which they are identifiable. The relativism you are constantly displaying here has only one purpose: To support a self-centered lifestyle.
Suncho wrote:No. Because she's not interested in IRC, she has to establish her identity primarily through the games she plays. This allows the stalker to completely destroy her image. If she participated in chat, the stalker might still be there doing his thing that he does, but her image would be more or less intact. Also, because she doesn't come into chat, people talk about her and she's not there to stand up for herself and these rules she's trying to impose on us.
I have been on the GameSurge Descent IRC channel a few times. Honestly, if I was Bet, I wouldn't go there either. At least when I am there, there's only some retards active, talking retarded stuff. Everytime. That's not the kind of people I am wasting my time on. Apart from that, I find it ridiculous that you'd need to be on IRC to get a personal reputation. The DBB is a place where quite a few Descent players meet, and Bet is well known here.
Suncho wrote:Yes. That's the point. It's highly likely that this player is trying to get Bettina to stop playing the game altogether. It's possible he feels that Bettina's attitude is hurting the Descent community and we'd be better off without it.
That would be like beating someone half-dead because he "looked at you the wrong way". You seem to find this legitimate. I can only wonder about the attitude you are displaying here.

Suncho wrote:But gosh... banning someone from a server for what they say and what name they use???
That would be exactly the way to go with such a person. I am starting to ask myself why you are defending that person/such behaviour so vehemently. That's a little suspicious, if you ask me.
Bet51987 wrote:Suncho, don't bother with the PM. You've just made my eyes well up and you hurt me more than you will ever know. Its kind of a shock really to have someone you thought was a good guy turn on you like this....
Good morning. Stop trying to see the world through pink sunshades, as we say in Germany. I am asking myself what you are looking for here. I believe that below the sensitivity you displaying outwardly, you are a very strong willed and stubborn person, who very much tries to control her environment. For me your "you've hurt me so much" stuff is a way to manipulate other people. This only works in a very limited way. You will never be able to arrange everything around you to your own likings. The world is full of idiots, and some have found their way into the Descent community, too. If you are indeed so sensitive, you may want to look for a place that suits you better. If someone or some place keeps treating me bad, I ignore or avoid them. I have so many friends and good places where I can enjoy my life. ;) Don't expose your feelings to everybody so easily. Observe the people, find out who you can really trust - and then there is PM and e-mail, too. There are people who enjoy hurting people of whom they know they can be hurt. If you get hurt, don' let them know. Tell your friends and let them build you up again. (If you hadn't this foolish anger and prejudice against God, I'd recommend you to tell Jesus about it - he has healed my wounds many times. But oh well, I guess I shouldn't start another pointless discussion about this with you. :P)

Until then, consider turning off audio taunts. :P

Top Gun,

I've found a few people even on this BB who claim to be adult and mature, while they are nothing more than obnoxious brats in a (more or less) big body. ;)


x2. Don't feed the trolls (unless you do it by smashing a baseball bat in their teeth :mrgreen: ).
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Post by Suncho »

Guys, I was just trying to help. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm sorry.
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Post by Diedel »


from my point of view, the opinion you issued here is highly objectionable. :)

Basically I think that a) Bet is a young woman, so with every lesson she might need here should receive a little extra grace and b) whatever she did cannot be so bad to c) justify being stalked like she obviously got, which is absolutely intolerable and imo should be punished by consequently banning the felon from every server where he does it.
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Post by WarAdvocat »

My feeling on the subject are pretty much neutral here...

On the one hand, she brought it on herself, for a variety of reasons. On the other, it's clearly beyond the point of appropriate at this point.

Welcome to the internet. If you can't shrug this crap off, you belong elsewhere.
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Post by Suncho »

Diedel wrote:Suncho,

from my point of view, the opinion you issued here is highly objectionable. :)
Perhaps you're right. I think I got too emotionally involved. I was frustrated because the kind of thing that happened to Bettina has happened to me many times before and I felt like I could see an easy way to make it not happen anymore.
Diedel wrote:Basically I think that a) Bet is a young woman, so with every lesson she might need here should receive a little extra grace
You are right. I've had this problem before with female gamers. I have a tendancy to treat everyone the same. This is a problem for me in real life as well.
Diedel wrote:and b) whatever she did cannot be so bad to c) justify being stalked like she obviously got
I agree.
Diedel wrote:, which is absolutely intolerable and imo should be punished by consequently banning the felon from every server where he does it.
I guess this is the only place where we differ. I have been banned too many times from too many servers and I'd like to encourage server ops to exercise restraint when banning people. It's not fun for me to be banned when I'm just trying to enjoy the game.
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Post by Diedel »

I can't remember having ever been banned from a server. Kicked, occasionally (in BF2, but that can easily happen depending on server settings - I once got kicked for typing \"cmd assets\" because that idiotic profanity filter thought I had said \"ass\" - lol), but that's all.

What were you doing to get banned so often? Playing too good? :)

You should also consider what I think should be the reason for a ban. It's not just some more or less tolerable \"borderline\" behaviour any more.
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Post by Suncho »

Diedel wrote: What were you doing to get banned so often? Playing too good? :)
Basically yeah. The bans were for cheating, but I never cheated. That's when I learned that it's necessary to stand up for myself and even use profanity if needed. While I usually don't curse, sometimes it feels appropriate. Otherwise people assume I'm just not saying anything because I actually am cheating. Usually I just dig into them with a smart insult though.
Diedel wrote:You should also consider what I think should be the reason for a ban. It's not just some more or less tolerable "borderline" behaviour any more.
Well... I used to impersonate the people who called me cheaters. I'd see, for example, LORD DRACO in a game and I'd go in as LORD DRACO. He'd start complaining and then I'd just echo everything he said right back at him. So you'd have 2 LORD DRACOs calling each other cheaters and cursing each other out. =P

I don't think that was unjustufied. In fact, I think it was hilarious. =)
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Post by Diedel »

Suncho wrote:I don't think that was unjustufied. In fact, I think it was hilarious. =)
Agreed: That is very funny. :lol: If I had happened to be in such a game, I'd probably have made incarnation #3 - I couldn't have continued to play anyway for laughter. Imagine all players doing that - I'd have fallen off my chair with laughter!

But that's not what's happening to Bet.

Geez, how I hate those lame butts who call others cheaters because they outplay them. Even if it looks like the other guy is using magic (like you do, seen from my Descent skill level. ;))

I experience this in Battlefield 2 quite frequently - people starting kick votes against other players simply because their success annoys them. If I had a BF2 server, exactly those ppl starting such kick votes would get a perma ban from me.

It's the same with these "don't base rape don't base bomb don't do anything to me because I cannot win then" whiner servers. If I only had enough money - I'd make a true free for all BF2 server, only banning whiners and obvious cheaters. If a team gets base camped - their problem! They should learn to deal with that, instead of making their petty diaper wearer "mommy protect my sorry crapped over behind because I cannot get my thumb out of my mouth" server rules.
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Post by TigerRaptor »

Actuality Diedel I wasn’t trying to be one, just speaking my mind in the matter. But if that’s how it looks then so be it.
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Post by Suncho »

Diedel wrote:But that's not what's happening to Bet.
Yeah. Bettina's situation is a little different. But I have had the experience where I'm in a game with Bettina and someone calls me a cheater. I tried to deal with the person who was calling me a cheater and Bettina called me a jerk.

That hurt my feelings.

I think it's important that we distinguish between the meaning of what people say, the reason they say what they say, and the words that they happen to use to get their message across. I feel that judging people solely based on the words they use is a little superficial.
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Post by Diedel »

TigerRaptorFX wrote:Actuality Diedel I wasn’t trying to be one, just speaking my mind in the matter. But if that’s how it looks then so be it.

I think you misunderstood me. I agree with you 100% here.


it hurts your feelings if Bet calls you a jerk? :lol:

C'mon. ;)

Know what I had replied? "Be careful, Bet, or you'll reap what you're just sowing." :roll:
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Post by TigerRaptor »

I woke up 10 minutes after reading that and didn’t look at the x2. My goof. :o
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Post by Foil »

Misunderstandings all around, everyone! :P

It's good to see that players can hammer this stuff out, to see things from other perspectives.

For example, I used to be one of those players who thought that certain pilots \"must have been using hacks\" to be able to dominate games like they do. I even still have some demos I recorded, thinking I'd have some evidence of hacking :roll:. As I've played them a little more often, and my skill has improved, I've found that in most cases, they really *are* that good, no hacks involved. So, I can see how frequent undeserved bans could happen, and why they would be so frustrating.

Or for another example, I was flamed and attacked by a teammate recently in a CTF game with friendly-fire on, just because I asked to even up the teams (it was 5 on 2). This stuff does happen, and it's really annoying to be on the receiving end; that said, I know what little stupidity I've received is small compared to what Bet endures.

Anyway, It's good we have this forum (and others) where we can work this stuff out. Sorry for my angry post earlier.
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Post by Behemoth »

This isnt about descent at all, its called a video game for a reason.

Bett: get used to bad words because you're going to hear them alot in life.
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Post by Top Gun »

All right, so we all made each other feel bad! What's next on the menu? :P

Sorry if I came across as too harsh, Suncho. I just happened to sympathize with what Bettina was going through. I'm definitely more than a little outspoken; if something rubs me the wrong way, I don't hesitate in speaking my mind about it. It may not always be the best policy, but at least I try to keep things honest. At any rate, I think we've all learned valuable lessons about tolerance, respect, maturity, and...oh hell, let's just go blow **** up. :D
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Post by RoBoT »

Bet, I am more or less like you in terms of standards: I don't use profanity (online or otherwise), and I don't like other people using it (ditto). However, when I got into a secular college, I realized that I cannot help it if someone uses words I would never use; if I try anything, all anyone's gonna do is laugh it off and I'd never hear the end of it afterward.

IF somebody uses my pilot name, I'll shrug it off, as my pilot name can be taken by someone else easily. It's not copyrighted, and most trackers either automatically change their name or somehow make it easier to tell us apart. As long as they stay in line, I'm fine with it. If I know you're just playing around, I'm cool with that, too; the world could use a little humor every now and then, anyway. :)

HOWEVER, if, as is the case with you, someone 1) uses my name and 2) throws around obscenities to try and 3) trash my rep in the Descent community (or ANY game community), I WILL REPORT HIM TO THE SERVER OPS AND HAVE HIM BANNED. I suggest you do the same, show him that you're NOT some goody-goody who lets people walk over the top of her...which is EXACTLY what this guy's gonna keep doing if you let him.

Alternatively, you can just stay in the game and keep playing as though this guy never showed up. As far as you're concerned, he should be nothing more than another player ship. I've found that if you don't respond to someone harrassing you like this (as you do in leaving the game when he shows up), they will eventually get bored and leave you alone. On the other hand, the ops'll probably kick him (or ban him), anyway for the stuff he's saying on top of using your name. Either way, he leaves, you still have fun. In fact, given your position on the matter, I'd advise this tactic over the one above.;)
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Post by d3jake »

RoBoT wrote: HOWEVER, if, as is the case with you, someone 1) uses my name and 2) throws around obscenities to try and 3) trash my rep in the Descent community (or ANY game community), I WILL REPORT HIM TO THE SERVER OPS AND HAVE HIM BANNED. I suggest you do the same, show him that you're NOT some goody-goody who lets people walk over the top of her...which is EXACTLY what this guy's gonna keep doing if you let him.
I agree. Don't let this person get away with it. If you do such a thing, odds are that people will learn NOT to DICK with you.
Alternatively, you can just stay in the game and keep playing as though this guy never showed up. As far as you're concerned, he should be nothing more than another player ship. I've found that if you don't respond to someone harrassing you like this (as you do in leaving the game when he shows up), they will eventually get bored and leave you alone. I believe that some of us learned this in Elementry... I will calmly keep playing, and roast his\\her ASCII later, hopefully, you won't have to do anything and the situation will rememdy itself...
On the other hand, the ops'll probably kick him (or ban him), anyway for the stuff he's saying on top of using your name. Either way, he leaves, you still have fun.
Problem solved! Let's eat! :) OKay... you get the point...
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Post by Lothar »

Why is this thread (at least page 1) filled with accusations about a specific player? I'm pretty sure that's against DBB rules. Even if it wasn't, since it turned out it wasn't him, it might be nice to remove his name from the discussion so nobody will get the wrong impression from reading half of the thread.
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Post by Ferno »

This thread isn't the only one that broke the dbb rules.
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Post by TigerRaptor »

Enough of this damn worthless drama bull★■◆● all ready with some of you. Please just deleted this peace of ★■◆● of a topic and lets get on with our lives.
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Post by Isaac »

Some bastard under the name Isaac, took off and invented a bunch of things!! :x
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Post by Bet51987 »

TigerRaptorFX wrote:Enough of this damn worthless drama ***** all ready with some of you. Please just deleted this peace of ***** of a topic and lets get on with our lives.
It wasn't a worthless topic to me. This is my home too.

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Post by MD-2389 »

Oh FFS, enough already! Bet, contact the server admins and take it up with them. If you aren't willing to have the douchebag banned, then I suggest you either change names or toughen up and put up with it on your own.
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Post by Isaac »

TigerRaptorFX wrote:Enough of this damn worthless drama ***** all ready with some of you. Please just deleted this peace of ***** of a topic and lets get on with our lives.
You're right! We need to stop feeding this topic comments now! If only there was a way to NOT click on the link.... hmm... BLAST!.. no.. there isn't.
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Post by TigerRaptor »

No one said you need to run and hide. So let’s face fact her Bet, if this was a real life problem where someone was stalking you in front of your house. Then I’d be on your side. But the fact you’re taking way out of proportion for a game is ridiculous. So someone is going around giving your name a bad reputation. Ok fine I can understand your upset about that. What you should have done was just tell us about the problem and look for advice to solve the problem. But this little girl cries for help because someone took my lollipop is not the way to go.

I don’t know how many games you play online or for how long. But I’m going to assume you new to this sort of thing. Because you lack the experience in this situation. Take peoples advice and toughen up. Because if you where to play games like Unreal Tournament where the community is so much larger than Descent community. There are a lot more and bigger assholes to put with. This is nothing.

Now I’m not going to continue to waste my time reading and responding after this.

End of decision.
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Post by Behemoth »

People jumped to accuse me of going in a game as \"YRU HAXT\" and acted like i owed smotie an apology so you're not the first one to get their name tarnished bett.
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Post by Krom »

Ohh thats too bad, do you want us to throw a pity party or something? Enough is enough, just ignore this thread and it will go away. :P
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Post by Bet51987 »

TigerRaptorFX wrote:No one said you need to run and hide. So let’s face fact her Bet, if this was a real life problem where someone was stalking you in front of your house. Then I’d be on your side. But the fact you’re taking way out of proportion for a game is ridiculous. So someone is going around giving your name a bad reputation. Ok fine I can understand your upset about that. What you should have done was just tell us about the problem and look for advice to solve the problem. But this little girl cries for help because someone took my lollipop is not the way to go.

I don’t know how many games you play online or for how long. But I’m going to assume you new to this sort of thing. Because you lack the experience in this situation. Take peoples advice and toughen up. Because if you where to play games like Unreal Tournament where the community is so much larger than Descent community. There are a lot more and bigger ***** to put with. This is nothing.

Now I’m not going to continue to waste my time reading and responding after this.

End of decision.
Umm....this thread has already run its course and was dead for five days. I wasn't the one who reopened it.

I came here with a problem (where else could I have gone), asked for help, and I received very good advice, from very good friends. I lost some too because of the stand I take, but its worth it to me. Thanks for your contribution. Cya in the mines....


Dang, didn't see your post Krom :)

I'm done here...promise. :)
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Post by Bet51987 »

Isaac wrote:Some bastard under the name Isaac, took off and invented a bunch of things!! :x
And some of those still hold today. :)
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Post by TigerRaptor »

Bet51987 wrote:I'm done here...promise. :)
Are you 100% positive. ;)
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Post by Suncho »

TigerRaptorFX wrote:What you should have done was just tell us about the problem and look for advice to solve the problem.
That's exactly what she did. If you take the time to read the thread, you'll see that all the initial overreacting (he needs to be banned etc. etc.) came from other people.
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