Is the working class being subject to a kind of Slavery?

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Is the working class being subject to a kind of Slavery?

Post by Insurrectionist »

I have been pondering this question for a while now. Are we the working class being made to work to support the poor people in the world? Would this not be a form of slavery. We all know that slaves were used to further the the riches of wealthy. Slaves would do all the work where the owners rake in the rewards. I can understand some people need help. I can't recall the exact numbers but like 60% of Americans are supporting 40%. Not to mention the money we are sending to other poor nations which don't pay money to the US in the form of taxes.

SO I was just wondering about this. I also wonder who else feels like the American Working Class is being taken advantage of.
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Post by ccb056 »

Any time one group is treated differently by the government compared to another group it is a civil rights issue. A progressive tax system is a civil rights issue.
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Re: Is the working class being subject to a kind of Slavery?

Post by dissent »

Insurrectionist wrote:I have been pondering this question for a while now. Are we the working class being made to work to support the poor people in the world? Would this not be a form of slavery.
No, it is not slavery. Slaves don't have a choice in the matter. In fact, you too can choose to stop being a working stiff and go suckle at the public teat.

Then, when this bores you, you can choose to go back to working for a living.

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Post by Will Robinson »

Like dissent says it isn't slavery.
Think of it as the price we pay for the government we accept.
It didn't start out to be this way and will end up different than it is...either improved or total disaster ending in revolution.

I think the poor qualifications and low character we currently look for in our representatives is one of the signs that we aren't headed toward a happy place. And the reasons we have let our government morph into the disgrace it has become is a collection of pathetic selfish excuses.

When you consider the average persons philosophy on life and sense of reality is shaped by their gut reaction to television sound bites and emotional reaction to snake oil sales pitches instead of deeper thought, self examination and intellectual curiosity you have to know we have failed the future generations of man.

If you suddenly see a great hand in the sky it probably won't be God waving...more likely one of his assistants fumbling for the cord so he can pull the plug on this experiment gone bad.
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Post by Spidey »

I’ll tell you what…it might not be slavery, but the only ones who are truly free, are those who don’t work.
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Re: Is the working class being subject to a kind of Slavery?

Post by Dedman »

Insurrectionist wrote:Not to mention the money we are sending to other poor nations which don't pay money to the US in the form of taxes.
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that the money we send to other nations is intended to help them. It's not. It's intended to further our own national interests.

Dissent and Will are right on the slavery question. Working for a living isn't slavery. Since the dawn of man, there have always been those that worked for the good of the group and those that benefited from the work of others. Whether it's the cave man who had to hunt to support the family (and the old caveman who couldn't hunt anymore but still got to eat) or the dude who works a blue collar job and pays taxes (and the welfare recipient). It all amounts to the same thing. It may be a lot of things, but it isn't slavery.
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Post by Cuda68 »

It's called being a Democrat. The Republicans are the greedy old war mongers who believe you should keep what you earn. But hey, we live in a Democracy so if you don't like it bugger off.
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Post by woodchip »

Democracy is where 3 men and a woman vote to make rape legal.....
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Post by Duper »

Cuda68 wrote:It's called being a Democrat. The Republicans are the greedy old war mongers who believe you should keep what you earn. But hey, we live in a Democracy so if you don't like it bugger off.
Bzzt! Wrong. We live in a republic with a democratic ribbon running through it. A democracy,(in the purest sense) like communism (not marxism) only works with a relatively small group of people. ... say 200 max (just for fun) It's a socialogical ideal that in truth will not and can not work. Human nature won't let it. There is ALWAYS someone that will take advantage eventually. That is why the system of checks and balances was created. And that has worked rather well ... until "Amend" your way around those safe gaurds so you can again, get what you want. Such are "Czars". I like to think of it as a governmental "clone-god hack" that the server admin gets to use and calls ok. :roll: (to put it in gaming terms)
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Post by Tunnelcat »

Insurrectionist, you have it backwards. The poor of the world are working for slave wages to enable the rich nation's peoples the luxury of being able to buy cheap products, if you're talking globally here. But we are actually ALL slaves to global corporations. They just control us through the government with the illusion of Democracy.
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Post by Spidey »

Actually, the truth is…we are all slaves to our own needs…Food, Water, Shelter, Health…etc. Therefore working for a living is not slavery…but…the problem is when someone slips out from under the burden of supporting themselves, and finds a way to place that burden upon someone else.

So…in that regard…taxes can be considered a form of slavery, because the only choice is to become a criminal, or go on the dole yourself…those are not choices…IMHO. (yes, there are some other choices, mostly outside the system)
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Post by Tunnelcat »

You're saying that those people who slip out of the system are doing it on purpose to suck off the rest of us for their support. That may be true in many cases, but what about those who through no fault of their own, due to injury for example, become unable to work and support themselves? What about older people unable to work and can't afford to eat or keep shelter? Isn't it in society's best interest to help out those in trouble?

If it were a dog eat dog world, THEN we could just all take what we want, when we want and let the rest suffer and die who couldn't keep up. That IS the way of nature after all if that's the type of society you want to live in. But I thought humans were CIVILIZED and SOCIAL creatures that were protective of others in their clans. :roll:
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Post by Insurrectionist »

There would be a lot less people in the world then.
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Post by Tunnelcat »

Nature's population control to solve our problems then. I guess it'll work.
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Post by Dakatsu »

You all act as if people on welfare get the same amount of money and such as everyone else. The motivation to work is that even with a minimum wage job you'll have a much better Standard of Living than someone on food stamps :roll:
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Post by Spidey »

“You're saying that those people who slip out of the system are doing it on purpose to suck off the rest of us for their support.”

NO…I didn’t say that…But plenty do!

I have first hand experience, See how you feel when you go to work every day, and just about every day you pass your neighbor sitting on his porch smoking a blunt, and when you go to the store, you have to pull out your hard earned money, while you watch everyone else (yes everyone) swipe their little free money card. (and buying better food than I do) See if you don’t feel like a slave.

No…not everyone is using the system…but you need to get a grip, if you don’t believe that a huge number of people aren’t doing it.

When I lived in North Phila, our next door neighbor had a good job as a truck driver, but the little misses was on welfare, food stamps…etc…was a nice little setup…my mother who worked, used to feed their kids, while the parents drank and lived it up…tossing crumbs to the kids!

So give your bleeding heart act to someone who hasn’t lived close enuf to the action…to know what’s going on.

BTW…I believe in helping the truly needy, so don’t even try!


Oh and Dak, I’m sure with your worldly experience you know what’s “really” going on…not! One of the main reasons people choose welfare over minimum wage is the exact fact that you can do better on it, especially if you have children.

My next door neigbhors are the perfect example…

The old man is on disability…looks and acts healthier than me.
The old lady is on welfare, gets food stamps, rent subsidies and medical care…and god knows what else…

They live better than I do!
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Post by Insurrectionist »

So a person getting paid min wage would make $1160.00 a month without taxes or any thing taken out. half that would easily go for rent then there is food, utilities, transportation to and from work and any doctor fees you might need.

A avg person on welfare will have food stamps, EBT cards they can draw money out with, they can get there rent paid for, their utilities paid for, their doctor paid for. and sit on their front porch and smoke a blunt and laugh at you while you go to work. So they can steal your stuff and get more money from selling your stuff.

I still believe some need help but there are more in the system than just ones who need help.
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Post by Spidey »

You missed one….Day Care, and it’s the number one reason people in this community choose welfare over work, even at higher wages.
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