Clash of the retards...

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Clash of the retards...

Post by Nightshade »

"Unite the Right" white racist rally brought out the real high IQ BLM, Antifa and neo-nazis to fight and ram people with cars:

A car plowed into at least 20 protesters at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday
At least one person is dead after the 'intentional' smash where a Dodge Charger rammed into a crowd
Dozens are hurt after multiple heated clashes at Unite the Right rally, according to local police
First Lady Melania Trump admonished the day's events, tweeting: 'Our country encourages freedom of speech, but let's communicate w/o hate in our hearts. No good comes from violence'
President Trump later tweeted: 'We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!'
The rally was being held at Emancipation Park and hundreds were seen stomping through the city
A local state of emergency was declared around 11am and the rally was determined an unlawful assembly
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Top Gun »

Are you really ★■◆●ing equating both sides?
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Tunnelcat »

Why in the hell is the miserable KKK even around anymore, like some stinking puss-filled infected wound that won't heal? Haven't we as a nation and a people learned something after years of putting up with that horrible and murderous racist legacy? Why is it called "remembering southern pride" or "standing up for white people's history" when a bunch of angry white morons show up to protest the removal of a Confederate statue, a statue of a man that represented all the evils of slavery during our nation's past. They come all dressed in dorky hooded costumes that make them all look for the world like a bunch of marching Zippy the Pinheads, emblazoned with red crosses that represent the worst of our nation's hate filled legacy, a legacy we thought we'd long gotten past? What a shame. No wonder African Americans still feel resentment when this type of nastiness continues to be shoved in their faces.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Spidey »

Top Gun wrote:Are you really ★■◆●ing equating both sides?
Once the "good guys" start using violence.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Top Gun »

Spidey wrote: Once the "good guys" start using violence.
Okay, do tell how punching ★■◆●ing Nazis is a bad thing. I'll wait.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Spidey »

If the answer to that isn't obvious, then I can't say anything to convince you.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

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I'm glad we agree that it's obviously a good thing. While the fuckwit-in-chief is tweeting about problems "from both sides," a domestic terrorist killed people by driving a car into a crowd.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Nightshade »

Top Gun wrote: Okay, do tell how punching ★■◆●ing Nazis is a bad thing. I'll wait.
Because of a little thing known as 'freedom of speech.' Until someone raises a gun or threatens imminent harm, it is protected speech.

Now in this instance, violence erupted and the person that murdered 3 people with his car should be prosecuted for 3 counts of murder and with vehicular assault with intent to cause grave bodily harm or death.

- But speech is protected...even hateful or incredibly stupid speech under the first amendment of the constitution.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Ferno »

Top Gun wrote:
Spidey wrote: Once the "good guys" start using violence.
Okay, do tell how punching ★■◆●ing Nazis is a bad thing. I'll wait.

The answer is simple.


You punch them, they go 'See? SEE? they're as bad as we said they were!'

And then you're fucked.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Top Gun »

Nightshade wrote: Because of a little thing known as 'freedom of speech.' Until someone raises a gun or threatens imminent harm, it is protected speech.

Now in this instance, violence erupted and the person that murdered 3 people with his car should be prosecuted for 3 counts of murder and with vehicular assault with intent to cause grave bodily harm or death.

- But speech is protected...even hateful or incredibly stupid speech under the first amendment of the constitution.
You have the freedom to say whatever you want, but if you say something utterly ★■◆●ing vile, you do not have the reasonable expectation that you won't be punched in your goddamn racist face for doing so, whether or not that action is criminal. Hateful words have consequences, and maybe it's high time these pieces of pig ★■◆● learned as much.
Ferno wrote: The answer is simple.


You punch them, they go 'See? SEE? they're as bad as we said they were!'

And then you're fucked.
Bull-★■◆●ing-★■◆●. At some point the statement needs to be made that there are levels of vile hatred that have no place in a modern society. And if that means a few neo-Nazi fucks get their asses kicked along the way, so be it. I'm sick and tired of bending over to this bull★■◆●. Either join the 21st ★■◆●ing century, or get your inbred ass out of my society and go ★■◆● a cow in the woods.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Ferno »

It's not bull★■◆●. Have I ever bullshitted anyone at all here?

No. I haven't.

Fact is, they've used people punching them as a way to pretend they're better than others. They're complete cunts, and they'll use anything to make themselves look better. including being punched. Hell, some of them encourage them to do it because it's playing into their sick game.

But you know what will work? What will ★■◆● them over to the point where they're destroyed? Taking their money and their property. All of it and every single piece.

Car? Gone. House? Gone. Savings? Gone. Clothes? Gone. Food? Go dumpster diving. I don't give a ★■◆●.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Top Gun »

They can say whatever the ★■◆● they want, I don't really care. Anyone with at least half a brain cell knows they're full of ★■◆●. And anyone who does agree with their whining has zero brain cells and isn't worth listening to themselves.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Tunnelcat »

Nightshade wrote:
Top Gun wrote: Okay, do tell how punching ★■◆●ing Nazis is a bad thing. I'll wait.
Because of a little thing known as 'freedom of speech.' Until someone raises a gun or threatens imminent harm, it is protected speech.

Now in this instance, violence erupted and the person that murdered 3 people with his car should be prosecuted for 3 counts of murder and with vehicular assault with intent to cause grave bodily harm or death.

- But speech is protected...even hateful or incredibly stupid speech under the first amendment of the constitution.
It's no longer free speech when the one group comes to the party armed with clubs, wearing helmets and armor, brandishing torches eerily reminisant of the old Hitler SA marches and throwing sieg hiel salutes with the sole intent of riling up the opposition in an effort to foment confrontation and violence, invariably causing massive riots and sometimes even deaths. You yourself have whined about Antifa groups doing the similar stuff. When anyone or any group does this type of crap, it should be squelched, free speech be damned. Anyone wants to protest, that's their right. No one has the "right" to start a riot with the intent of causing violence and mayhem and in this case, the Alt-righters went to the party with maliced intent.

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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by callmeslick »

Top Gun wrote:Are you really ★■◆●ing equating both sides?
are you surprised, after years of bigotry out of NS? Of course, like Trump, he is equating the two sides.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by callmeslick »

photo taken by a person in town. Says it all. There is no equivalency, and the sight of those assholes in full armor, with guns, puts the lie to the nonsense about the 'violent left' spewed here by NS and on the national scene by the Trump neonazi support core(look up Gorka's past ties).

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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Nightshade »

These rallies and demonstrations were largely peaceful until antifa showed up with weapons. Now you will get what you saw in Charlottesville routinely.

Antifa's thugs started this.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Vander »

We didn't start the fire... it was always burning since the worlds been turning...
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by callmeslick »

Nightshade wrote:These rallies and demonstrations were largely peaceful until antifa showed up with weapons. Now you will get what you saw in Charlottesville routinely.

Antifa's thugs started this.
[Deleted - Personal Shot] No such thing happened, and you are rationalizing nazis.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by callmeslick »

let's be clear. The 'blame the left', so called anti-fa radicals, it's all BS. This may seem blunt, but damned if it isn't the truth
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Top Gun »

Nightshade wrote:These rallies and demonstrations were largely peaceful until antifa showed up with weapons. Now you will get what you saw in Charlottesville routinely.

Antifa's thugs started this.
★■◆●ing bull★■◆●. Stop sucking Brietbart's mummified cock and get a ★■◆●ing clue.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Nightshade »

callmeslick wrote: [Deleted - Personal Shot] No such thing happened, and you are rationalizing nazis.
...right. So stating fact automatically makes me a nazi or nazi sympathizer. Typical leftist BS.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Top Gun »

It's not remotely a fact. You can't obfuscate your way out of your own bull★■◆●, so don't bother trying.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by callmeslick »

this is real. This exists in America. This should be rooted out before ANYONE worries about freaking Muslims, NS ... -old-slut/
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Tunnelcat »

Nightshade wrote:These rallies and demonstrations were largely peaceful until antifa showed up with weapons. Now you will get what you saw in Charlottesville routinely.

Antifa's thugs started this.
This is an outright falsehood. It was the Alt-Right who came looking for trouble. Just Google any pictures of this "rally" and you'll see that these bastards came armed, pissed off and ready to make someone mad at them. They even made a point to gather in a mostly liberal college town just to rile people up for the hell of it. Sure, the counter protestors took exception. I don't blame them. If you were a black person and you saw a bunch of KKK slimeballs marching down the streets in their white robes shoving their message of evil bigotry in everyone's face, wouldn't you? And let's quit pussyfooting around. Nazis, Fascists and White supremacists are EVIL. Germany even outlawed anything having to do with the symbolism of Fascism or Nazism. This nation fought a world war to put a stop that plague over 76 years ago, or have people forgotten their damn history. This nation also fought with itself to abolish the pox of slavery during the Civil War. If this ultra right extremism isn't stopped in it's tracks, we'll all end reliving the horrors of WWII and the Civil War all over again.

Here's some of the best comments by a few Republicans.
Orrin Hatch wrote:We should call evil by its name. My brother didn't give his life fighting Hitler for Nazi ideas to go unchallenged here at home.
Marco Rubio wrote:Nothing patriotic about #Nazis,the #KKK or #WhiteSupremacists It's the direct opposite of what #America seeks to be.
Cory Gardner wrote:Mr. President - we must call evil by its name. These were white supremacists and this was domestic terrorism.
Mike Huckabee wrote:...white supremacy is the "worst kind of racism-it's EVIL and a perversion of God's truth to ever think our Creator values some above others.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Nightshade »

"Communists" vs "nazis" when in fact they're mainly clueless millennials that know nothing but violence when they don't get their way.

Identity politics gone insane- fostered by the insane leftists in our "academic institutions." What you're seeing is exactly what Ben Shapiro has warned about:

If intersectionality (identity politics) is "good" for the left and/or radical left, shouldn't it be expected from the radical right as well?
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Tunnelcat »

NS, I all know too well the actions of anarchists and the Antifa. I don't condone their actions or their hate either. They're actions should be shunned as completely as those of Fascists and Neo-Nazis. But with the rise of far right hate groups in this country since 2000, you're definitely seeing a responding rise in Antifa. Hate begets hate. You yourself are an example of the problem. Even I don't hate conservatives nearly to the degree you seem to espouse towards the liberals here.

You should also notice that the Black Separatists are also listed among those the SPLC names as a hate group, so they're not playing political favorites. But right wing hate groups are the ones who DO figure most predominantly in the U.S. ... roups-2016

And quit citing Ben Shapiro as a gift from God. He's a bitter self-indulgent bully twerp. Find a conservative who's actually principled with his or her arguments. ... d_fragment_=
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Top Gun »

"Antifa" doesn't even ★■◆●ing exist to any real extent outside of deluded neurotic minds like TB's. What, do your Nazi snowflake friends not have the balls to be pieces of filth without needing a pile of bull★■◆● to cower behind?

Oh, and Shapiro can go ★■◆● himself too.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Nightshade »

Top Gun wrote:"Antifa" doesn't even ★■◆●ing exist to any real extent outside of deluded neurotic minds like TB's. What, do your Nazi snowflake friends not have the balls to be pieces of filth without needing a pile of bull★■◆● to cower behind?

Oh, and Shapiro can go ★■◆● himself too.
Heh. With "teachers" like you, no wonder the kids are screwed up, brainwashed and will never make it in life.

Call anyone you disagree with a 'nazi.' Really? Gonna pick up a bat, punch nazis and so on with your antifa pals?
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Top Gun »

I'd gladly take the worst student I've ever taught over a hundred wastes of oxygen like you.

They were LITERAL. ★■◆●ing. NAZIS. With swastikas, firing off salutes, ★■◆●ing murdering innocent people. And you're sitting here concocting some bull★■◆● excuse about some mythical group that had absolutely nothing to do with what happened. If you can't unequivocally condemn this level of vile hatred, then you have no place in a civilized society.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Tunnelcat »

Top Gun wrote:"Antifa" doesn't even ★■◆●ing exist to any real extent outside of deluded neurotic minds like TB's. What, do your Nazi snowflake friends not have the balls to be pieces of filth without needing a pile of bull★■◆● to cower behind?

Oh, and Shapiro can go ★■◆● himself too.
Top Gun, please at least try to keep it civil. Oh, and Antifa does exist all right. It's called the Torch Antifa Network. Neither one of these groups represent Americans as a whole either. They're groups with fringe responses to each other's actions. Once Americans eventually see that, maybe we'll solve our problems without trashing each other. But I'll have to admit, IMO Nazis and Anarchists are both the scum of the earth and should never rise to power.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Top Gun »

I'm sorry, but this is one topic where I have no civility to give. And a few loosely-organized fringe groups in no way resembles the vast ominous counter-force that people like TB are waving about.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by callmeslick »

TG really is being restrained. The whole concept of a mass 'antifa' bent on violence is utter bull★■◆●. To be opposed to a bunch of nazis is not evidence to the contrary. Note the limited sourcing for NS nonsense footage. As was stated, everyone in Virginia knew these out of town thugs arrived solely to cause trouble. The don't care on whit about actual history, or about any semblance of decency or respect. The rally organizer fled like a coward and blamed the cops for not protecting him, and the crowd was merely calling him an accessory to murder. Freaking snowflake, I guess. The attempt to give moral equivalence to a made up narrative is PRECISELY what the original German Nazis did regarding their opposition. I suppose the next step for NS and his crew will be to create their own Reichstag incident and blame it on the 'antifa' evil-doers.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Top Gun »

On the plus side, the scumbags are getting outed and fired. Whoever said social media was useless?
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by callmeslick »

yup, they located and id'd the guy who sucker punched that woman, too. Folks from his hometown(another out of towner) ID'd him and said they weren't really surprised by his conduct.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Ferno »

Nightshade wrote:
callmeslick wrote: [Deleted - Personal Shot] No such thing happened, and you are rationalizing nazis.
...right. So stating fact automatically makes me a nazi or nazi sympathizer. Typical leftist BS.

The fact that you posted the story from whatever source you pulled it from means you either are rationalizing it, or are agreeing with it to a degree.

It's clear as ★■◆●ing day which side you are on. And no amount of crybullying from you will absolve you from it.

Your idea is ★■◆●, your source is ★■◆●, and your attitude is ★■◆●.

If you so much as think of throwing out a personal shot at me over this, you've lost.

Top Gun wrote:On the plus side, the scumbags are getting outed and fired. Whoever said social media was useless?

Perfect. This is exactly how you deal with these assholes.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by callmeslick »

"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Tunnelcat »

callmeslick wrote:yup, they located and id'd the guy who sucker punched that woman, too. Folks from his hometown(another out of towner) ID'd him and said they weren't really surprised by his conduct.
But then there's the unfortunate downside to social media or mob shaming, the ruined life of an innocent man and his family. ... a-violence
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by callmeslick »

yup, what can be a positive force can be a very negative one, too.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by callmeslick »

also, information overload can lead to many, if not most, of us missing important stuff. Like this: ... ne-missed/

here we have another right wing tangent ready to blow stuff up to make their feebleminded point. A report, later surpressed for some reason by the current administration, stated that right-wing extremists were, BY FAR, the greatest domestic terror threat to the US. That was an assessment by security professionals.
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Re: Clash of the retards...

Post by Nightshade »

It seems the organizer for the "unite the right" 'rally' was a former 'Occupy Movement' alumnus that supported Obama.

Per the Southern Poverty Law Center: (which slick seems to think is an upstanding organization.)
Kessler live-streamed himself as an attendee questioned him and apologized for an undisclosed spat during Kessler’s apparent involvement with Occupy. Kessler appeared visibly perturbed by the woman’s presence and reminders of their past association.
He's at least one instance of a racist leftist that found himself a new home with the racist right:
About Jason Kessler

A relative newcomer to the white nationalist scene, Jason Kessler has made waves in his attempt to unseat Charlottesville’s only black city councilman and for his status as a bridge between a Virginia gubernatorial candidate and the Alt-Right. Relying on familiar tropes of “white genocide” and “demographic displacement,” Kessler has sought to parlay his status as a lonely dissenter in the “Capital of the Resistance” into notoriety on the larger far right circuit by organizing a second white nationalist rally in Charlottesville after the first, torchlit rally in May of 2017 made headlines. ... on-kessler

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