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Just got the latest version after a long while, but..

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:13 am
by Image

Where can I find a list of previous versions for download, if there is one? If not I just need a zip of the version I had, and I'll try to figure out which one that was.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:43 am
by Diedel
Probably nowhere.

But i have a magical word for you to learn (slowly speak after me): B-A-C-K-U-P.

What's your problem? (-> bug report thread!)

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:54 am
by Image
It's not realy a bug, it's the way it plays. First I find out my non-colored-light level has colored lights all over it, but then the gameplay. I can't use my mouse normally; there's \"Mouselook\" which I remember on D3 was this realy horrible thing, and \"Use mouse like a joystick\" which, unlike mouselook, *dosen't* send me into a perilous spin, but is such a hassle to use, with this little yellow circle flying all over.

Then I can't find any way to customize the mouse controls, and I also can't find any in-game option to switch it from windowed to fullscreen without the taskbar remaining on top. And all the while it keeps minimizing the game; probably to save me from it.

All in all, I find it to be a very unusable \"ooh\" device. The version I had before was from last year. If you're telling me there's absolutely no chance of getting it back, I'm better off not using it whatsoever.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 8:14 am
by Diedel
If you are too dang lazy or stupid to read the update notes and the manual, or to turn off mouselook and lightmaps, I cannot help you.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 8:20 am
by Image
Lightmaps I figured were going to be an easy fix; it's just that I never put colored lights in there. The problem with mouselook is that when I have both that and the joystick option unchecked I can't use my mouse at all. Would you mind explaining why that is? Or does your glorious manual cover *all* of the shortcommings of this monstrosity?

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 8:23 am
by Diedel
If you don't stop speaking so bad about D2X-XL, I recommend trying D2X-Rebirth instead of bothering me with your bad mood and behaviour.

Did you play around with mouse sensitivity? Did you also assign mouse axes to the ship controls? If something doesn't work there, turn expert options on (miscellaneous options menu), then turn mouse axis sync'ing off, then play with the axis sensitivities (lower all but the one you want to assign). My brother was successful when diminishing R axis sens. In the controls menu, don't double click on an input field, but use the enter key instead to change a control assignment.

Btw, you can invoke a help screen for most menu options by pressing F1 in the menu while having the option in question selected.