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Obama’s Well Organized Community Is Falling Apart

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:58 pm
by VonVulcan
Interesting article.

Kinda long for short attention span Obama fanboyz. :P

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:03 pm
by Nightshade

In 2007, SPLC identified 888 separate “active hate groups” in the United States.

Despite the events of 9/11 and an ongoing threat of additional terror strikes here and abroad, not one of the 888 “active hate groups” identified was Islamic. Detroit Michigan had more violent killings than Iraq and Afghanistan combined, but none of the groups responsible for those killings made the list of 888.

Only white, capitalist, constitutionalist, Christian, pro-freedom, in other words, “right-wing extremists” made the list.

Black on white crime is not “hate.” Black on black crime is not “hate.” Muslim on Christian crime is not “hate.” According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, only white, Christian, capitalists opposed to Marxism and attending Town Hall meetings are guilty of “hate.”

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:06 pm
by Bet51987

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:10 pm
by VonVulcan
I can tell the FUTURE! How did I know that was going to be your response?


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:21 pm
by Spidey
VonVulcan wrote:I can tell the FUTURE! How did I know that was going to be your response?
I was thinking the same exact thing.


And….Those people over there at the “ Southern Poverty Law Center” are the bigest bunch of nut jobs I have ever seen.


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:29 pm
by Bet51987
VonVulcan wrote:How did I know that was going to be your response?
Because it's true? That was easy.



Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:35 pm
by VonVulcan
Bet51987 wrote:
VonVulcan wrote:How did I know that was going to be your response?
Because it's true? That was easy.

must... not... respond... Oh crap, can't stop myself.

Your truth, from a very narrow perspective.


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:45 pm
by Ferno
Bet51987 wrote:Canada Free Press is a Canadian website, which publishes conservative news stories, features, and editorials.

Actually, it's closer to the centre than most american sites.

don't forget: it is an OPINION
Just another Obama bashing conservative site no different that what Woodchip posts.
oh so much WRONG in this sentence.


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:47 pm
by Bet51987

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:41 pm
by SilverFJ
(I've edited a few words from my original post)


Think about what you're saying when you name the \"extreme right or left\" in any news source. If it disagrees with your opinions, you immediately blame it on \"conservative right wing media\". You just called me a lunatic in another thread. Look at how you think. The right and the left are the same thing, we've been pitted against each other, and mainstream media can no longer be trusted! I'm not trying to be your enemy here, or anyones. We're all Americans and we're all in this together. Just take a little advice from this \"lunatic\", radical, young, armed redneck, and try to see things from all sides.

Example: You like to peg Bush, (who is as much of a slimeball as anyone who's been in power), but Obama's destroyed our economy more in 7 months than Bush did in 8 years! It doesn't matter who's in power or who's running it, they're ALL going to rape us. The're ALL in it together.


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:44 pm
by VonVulcan
SilverFJ wrote:Just take a little advice from this crazy, radical, young, armed redneck, and try to see things from all sides.
You forgot lunatic. :lol:

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:56 pm
by SilverFJ
I like that article.
The article wrote:It’s American Patriots against the world, or at least the leftists of the world.
Hell, freakin, yes.
"Right-wing extremist groups"???
Obama is the most extreme left politician I've ever seen, if I was going to run off of these labels. What they mean is:

"People who are finally willing to stand up to the corruption of the Federal Government, and protect their freedoms, and refuse communism, and up-hold our constitution."

How soon until his cleansing starts? I wouldn't doubt I'm on his list of 888 groups.



Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:42 pm
by TechPro
Bet51987 wrote:Just another Obama bashing conservative site no different that what Woodchip posts. Tsk Tsk Tsk.
No different than your Bush bashing sites not that long ago. Tsk Tsk Tsk.

Bett, It goes both ways. It's a high risk to accuse someone of being biased while making it plain that you yourself are biased in another way.


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:56 pm
by Ferno
Bet51987 wrote:
VonVulcan wrote:Your truth, from a very narrow perspective.
Sure. The thread title didn't give it away did it...
Ferno wrote:Actually, it's closer to the centre than most american sites.
I can only judge by the article which certainly isn't, and in fact, it's worse than what i've seen on american sites. Some of their ads are also extreme.


you're just left wing.


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 8:24 pm
by woodchip
Bet51987 wrote:Just another Obama bashing conservative site no different that what Woodchip posts. Tsk Tsk Tsk.
Feel the love...


Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:19 pm
by Bet51987

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:39 am
:D heh

just like clockwork,


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:15 am
by Dedman
Bet51987 wrote:I want them all dead because I don't consider them human beings

It looks like you and the Taliban have something in common.


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:44 pm
by thwart
Bet51987 wrote:However, I want .. no creationism in schools.
What you are really saying is that you want your religion in government schools but no one else's. This is why government schools must be abolished. Not only do they not educate but every topic turns into a political debate with the children as pawns.


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:12 pm
by Bet51987

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:11 pm
by Ferno
hey. bet.

just because you don't like a few policies of a given politician, doesn't take away from the fact that you're still left wing.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:58 pm
by Spidey
Bee, do you mean “public” schools, or “all” schools?

BTW…I think he means treating people as “not human” but I don’t speak for him.


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:00 pm
by Duper
Bet51987 wrote:...
thwart wrote:
Bet51987 wrote:However, I want .. no creationism in schools.
What you are really saying is that you want your religion in government schools but no one else's. This is why government schools must be abolished. Not only do they not educate but every topic turns into a political debate with the children as pawns.
I don't want any form of religious discussion taught in schools no matter who's they are.

THAT would also include evolution. Trust me. it's its own religion. And it's rammed down every childs' throat.


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:36 pm
by thwart
Duper wrote:
Bet51987 wrote:...
thwart wrote:
Bet51987 wrote:However, I want .. no creationism in schools.
What you are really saying is that you want your religion in government schools but no one else's. This is why government schools must be abolished. Not only do they not educate but every topic turns into a political debate with the children as pawns.
I don't want any form of religious discussion taught in schools no matter who's they are.

THAT would also include evolution. Trust me. it's its own religion. And it's rammed down every childs' throat.
I started another thread on this very topic because it requires a long discussion for some people to grasp.


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:08 pm
by Bet51987


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:13 pm
by TechPro
Bet51987 wrote:
Spidey wrote:Bee, do you mean “public” schools, or “all” schools?
I don't want creationism taught in public schools. There is nothing I can do about parochial schools.

You do realize, what's wrong with that? You're demanding that the concepts of atheism be taught in the schools while refusing to permit creationism to be taught in the schools. That is just as wrong as refusing to allow evolution to be taught in the schools.

If we're going to do public schools correctly, both precepts would need to be taught, never excluding one or the other.

... and just like any exam, the students should not need to believe the concept, just be able to answer the questions correctly.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:27 pm
by Spidey
Evolution is not “a concept of atheism”. :roll:

I am not an atheist, but evolution is my theory of choice, as to the origin of species.


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:03 pm
by Bet51987

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:49 pm
by Spidey
I don’t understand why science threatens people's religion (ok, I do), shouldn’t your faith be strong enough to survive. And, the truth prevail?

I see this as a weakness in faith, not a problem with science.

Sorry, but I had to say it.


Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:49 pm
by Duper
Spidey wrote:Evolution is not “a concept of atheism”. :roll:

I am not an atheist, but evolution is my theory of choice, as to the origin of species.
It was Spidey. Darwin and his friends were active atheists. Over the last 100 years, it's become a staple of the schooling system. Whether you like it or not, you've been brainwashed; right wrong or indifferent. You were taught that in school without comparison. It's taught as fact, not theory. ..even though it's labeled theory.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:57 pm
by Spidey
OK, it was a concept by an atheist, not a “concept of atheism”.

I had comparison, I went to Sunday school.

Evolution won.

The part about being taught as fact, is where I draw the line…as I do with most religions. That is wrong.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:34 pm
by AlphaDoG
Where's Samus when you need him? He'd set you straight?


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:46 pm
AlphaDoG wrote:Where's Samus when you need him? He'd set you straight?
THE HECK WITH SAMUS, Call Chuck Norris :P


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:29 pm
by Dedman
Bet51987 wrote:
Dedman wrote:
Bet51987 wrote:I want them all dead because I don't consider them human beings

It looks like you and the Taliban have something in common.
What do I have in common with the Taliban. Since you decided to call me out I would like a clear answer.

I thought it was painfully clear already, but since you seem to want me to rub your nose in it, here ya go.

Apparently, you and the Taliban are willing to kill an entire group of people solely because you don’t consider them to be human beings.

Those are your words, not mine.


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:55 pm
by Bet51987


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:58 pm
by Duper
Bet51987 wrote:
Dedman wrote:
Bet51987 wrote:
Dedman wrote:
It looks like you and the Taliban have something in common.
What do I have in common with the Taliban. Since you decided to call me out I would like a clear answer.

I thought it was painfully clear already, but since you seem to want me to rub your nose in it, here ya go.

Apparently, you and the Taliban are willing to kill an entire group of people solely because you don’t consider them to be human beings.

Those are your words, not mine.
I don't mind you rubbing my nose in something I said but those were not my words. :wink:

Bet51987 wrote:I want them all dead because I don't consider them human beings

I really think that's close enough.

(sorry to extend the windowed thing: content was relevant)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:02 pm
by Bet51987


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:35 pm
by Krom
Bet51987 wrote:
Ferno wrote: you're just left wing.
But not a loyal left winger because there are plenty of things I dislike about Obama. One in particular is that I don't want to talk to, or make peace with, the Taliban which he wants to do. I want them all dead because I don't consider them human beings so in that respect I would have preferred John McCain, a republican.

However, I want healthcare for everyone, no creationism in schools, and abortions for rape victims so I have to choose democrat for that.

Bet51987 wrote:It's not what I said but whatever you guys want to believe is fine with me... I know how this forum works.

Now there is a load of bull if I have ever seen any, it is EXACTLY what you said. Don't spout that kinda crap and expect everyone to let you get away with it. And don't even try the "oh poor me the evil conservative/liberal forum trolls are ganging up and picking on me" routine, it is as pathetic as your bigotry.

viewtopic.php?p=251496#251496 <--- RIGHT HERE. Even if you edit it out now, nobody is going to let you weasel your way out of that statement.


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:02 pm
by Dedman
Bet51987 wrote:
Bet51987 wrote:I want them all dead because I don't consider them human beings


I don't mind you rubbing my nose in something I said but those were not my words. :wink:

Really? Which one of those 12 words isn't yours? Because IIRC they all were.


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:51 pm
by Bet51987