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Sidewinder 3d Pro & Directx

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:27 pm
by Wasp
Anyone know if theres an issue with dx and the grendel usb adapter?

The reason I ask is that VID0x045E_PID0002 points to the 3d pro in prior versions but the latest dx update seems to change the PID0002 to the sidewinder gamepad.

A game I play has recently changed to a newer version of directx and now my joystick is squirrely as hell (hyper sensitive).

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:05 pm
by Grendel
PID 0002 is not used by MS. The gamepads use 0003, 0007, 0026, and 0027.

Which 3DP-Vert version do you have ?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:17 pm
by Wasp
I'm pretty sure I've got the 3D-Pert2. I'm looking for the issue I came across the other day while scanning my dxinput registry settings. I was certain that the device was pointing to the PID0002 and linked to the gamepad... I can't remember what machine I came across that, win7(64), vista, xp...I've installed and uninstalled dx so many times it's likely I screwed something up.

My biggest concern is that there might be a change in the way the stick behaves in newer versions of dx compared to older versions. The only reason I suspect that is because my joystick has an increased sensitivity since my favorite game \"Allegiance\" was updated to dx9.

I should also mention that there is a suspected bug in the code that is updating (polling) at a increased rate and that may be playing havoc on my acceleration curve. The extremes of the joystick seem appropriate however, the acceleration rate seems very very exaggerated such that a fast movement of the stick translates into hyper movements in game.

btw, I found a nice little tweaker (DXTWEAK2.EXE) for altering the scaling of a joysticks raw values to DirectX. Great tool for desensitizing a joystick.

I'll try to find exactly where the link of the PID0002 was in dx.

thanks for any help.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:42 pm
by Grendel
From that escription I would suspect it's a problem w/ the game, not 3DP-Vert or DI. I think I have a program to verify the DI values at home, I'll post a link once I get there.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:28 pm
by Grendel

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:40 am
by Wasp
That's exactly what the problem was, bad code in the game. Found it just the other night and got the problem fixed. The problem had me chasing everything from DirectX to the Vert-2 and even the GPU and nothing turned up any results. Finally got one of the dev team to take a look at my \"bug\" and he removed the bad code.

As seen from a turret of a bomber...

Before (watch the jumping ship and squirrely joystick): ... 1024pa.mp4


Those videos don't do the game justice btw. I turned off all the graphics and was using a friend to help demonstrate the anomaly.

I really liked that joystick tester. Using it I was able to determine which joystick PC board had the most stable response to stick movement and I put together the best of the parts available and now this baby really rocks. Can't believe I got 12 years out of 2 sticks.