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Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:54 pm
by Bet51987
Please come back. The E&C is no longer moderated and fwords stand out like sore thumbs by lowlifes replacing one letter with a character.

You are really missed. :(


Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:57 pm
by Xamindar
I saw him posting here a couple of days ago so he is here. By the way, I thought you were now over on .com where cursing like crazy was allowed and accepted. Did you decide you didn't like cursing anymore and came back here? :?


Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:29 pm
by Bet51987
Xamindar wrote:I saw him posting here a couple of days ago so he is here. By the way, I thought you were now over on .com where cursing like crazy was allowed and accepted. Did you decide you didn't like cursing anymore and came back here? :?
I mainly post here. I joined .com because there are some interesting people that I missed and only post at that forum and although I don't post there much (they still make me nervous :) ) I do read the posts and reply to some if interesting enough.

As far as the fwords go, I make no bones about it. I personally detest it. I tolerate it because it's allowed there and I knew that when I joined, but if someone used it when asking me something I would have to ask them to rephrase the question before I replied. So far, I haven't had to. They've respected me enough to hold back the language when replying to me and I respect them for that.

Language is supposedly not allowed at .net and that's what set it apart from .com. Now, I find it creeping in here in all forms of disquise and especially in the E&C the moderator is either nonexistent, not caring, or has changed the policy.


Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:39 pm
by Xamindar
Did you try sending him a PM? It looks like the mods for that forum are Birdseye and Lothar. I don't know when the last time I saw Birdseye on here and Lothar seems to be here less frequently. It has kinda become Thunderbunny's playground anyway. :(

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:15 pm
by Burlyman
what are you all babbling about :P

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:53 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
Thank you Burlyman. :P


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:23 am
by Isaac
Bet51987 wrote: Language is supposedly not allowed at .net
Must be why I never understand you all...

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:12 am
by Spooky

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:19 am
by TheWhat
You know I can understand not using, or wanting to use slang. I can live with or without it. But you people are coming off as a bunch of spineless ninnys. I hear more foul language working in downtown Minneapolis in 1 hour than I read on the dbb in months.

Cmon, there's a whole world outside.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:30 am
by Isaac
Hello spooky!!!! :D
Spooky wrote:The rules for posting on the DBB disappeared ages ago . . . No rules??? Post anything you want!
I love the rules to this forum:

We would like the Descent BB to be an alternative to all that (USENET) if possible. We would like each forum on the board to develop into a place where people can discuss the game without (those) pitfalls.
Here are those pitfalls:
1 - Every sex site / spammer on a mission feels it is their duty to push their message in your face, without regard to group topic
2 - Threads often degenerate after a few postings until the content of the message has no relation to the subject.
3 - Small comments and sometimes innocent observations turn into flamewars (mis-word things, leave out a smiley in the wrong place and all hell breaks loose..heh), also ruining the thread and often losing valuable insight and information
Those things don't happen here :p

My favorite part is when it gets to the rules:

Rule number 5!
5 - Avoid religion and politics discussions.
We try... we try...
Keeping forums on topic is just good common sense; however, we probably will never have to go so far as to kick someone for being pathetically clueless.
Yeah we did! :p

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:32 am
by Alter-Fox
Yeah, personally I like \"Language free zones\".
I don't use bad language in real life either. Ever. (Okay there was one time... when my great-grandmother was ill and I was trying to contact someone to help her and I couldn't find anyone).

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:43 am
by Spooky


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:24 am
by fliptw
Spooky wrote:Where children may view it?
The games are rated teen and up. Why anyone would think a board about them would be appropriate for children boggles the mind.

Also, standard entreaties about the internet not being a baby-sitter.


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:48 am
by TheWhat
Spooky wrote: "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." PV22.6 KJV

Face fact: What you hear on the street from older folks was passed on to them when they were younger. They think it is OK to perform in such manner . . . :roll:
You sure give other people a lot of power. This is your cause in life? Have fun not changing the world.


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:49 am
by Xamindar
TheWhat wrote:You know I can understand not using, or wanting to use slang. I can live with or without it. But you people are coming off as a bunch of spineless ninnys. I hear more foul language working in downtown Minneapolis in 1 hour than I read on the dbb in months.

Cmon, there's a whole world outside.
Uhh, nothing wrong with slang. Use it all you want. It's the cursing she was inquiring about.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:08 pm
by Gold Leader
Hey ya all :)

KoolBear is trying to return but he can't access the site.

he is my sponser at The Descent Rangers, yer that's me Obi-Wan Kenobi, my & nick name hehe: ... otID=25055

here's the forum :)

We are still looking for new recruits :) we use mumble to communicate with each other also, even during battles or just in idle mode under windows Linux or Mac OS :)

Anyways just passing on KoolBear is back and so is The Descent Rangers, he is still paying to keep this place alive for the ones that still use it and yes is he returning, that is if he can get in.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:40 pm
by KoolBear
I am here Betty,

I am working on the new templates for the upgrade, a much larger job than I remembered :)

If I don't get everything just right everyone will lynch me :( everyone will have to settle for what I am able to accomplish :)

This upgrade will allow users much more control over who and what they see. I think you should be happy.

I do see the need to get active people as mods and allow the inactive moderators go back to life. Most haven;t been around in years anyway.

Gold Leader is right come out and fly with the Rangers! We try to keep it fun ;) Anyone else that is interest, games are played every night! We have a mumble server so we can all chat during the game.



Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:47 pm
by Burlyman
Sergeant Thorne wrote:Thank you Burlyman. :P
Always glad to help. ^_~

Who the heck is Mike Sullivan? :P

I'm going to start calling Bettina "Betty" now. ^_~

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:30 pm
by KoolBear
Mike Sullivan heck he's just sum ol'dried up wannabe Descent pilot

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:40 pm
by Alter-Fox
Mike Sullivan is the guy who posted above you :D. (I'm not sure if you were being serious or facetious, honestly).
I took too long with this post, he beat me to it :P.

I've signed up with the Rangers but I haven't had any time to do anything more (university classes and studying... and music of course ;)). I got the registration done so I'll be able to play when I have time.

That reminds me, I wanted to ask zico about adding a random or shuffle feature for the dxx jukebox, something that would be nice for multiplayer games (I do something similar when I play online D3, using Foobar2000). I remember something about this being asked before, but I don't think it got a response.

@Spooky: I agree with your first two points, not so sure about the third. I read Descent Equinox when I was nine or ten (it's still the most use of language I've ever seen in a book) but like I said I've only ever used that language once.


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:21 pm
by Burlyman
Alter-Fox wrote:I'm not sure if you were being serious or facetious, honestly
Why wouldn't I be serious about not being able to match up a name I've never heard of with nicknames I see here?


Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:19 pm
by KoolBear
Alter-Fox I am me \"Mike Sullivan\" :P I have been for over 49 years.

But the ol'timers here have only known me as KB or KoolBear for the past 15 years.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:14 pm
by Bet51987

Please don't place too many restrictions on the E&C sub forum or have anyone banned. It's been fine for a long time and although heated arguments, name calling and personal attacks have popped up from time to time, it's understandable in that kind of forum and we get by it. It's all ok.

I enjoy debating religion and politics and personally I have no problem with those who use mild intensives like hell, damn, etc, or use all asterisks in place of stronger ones. I respect those people. I just don't care for the jerks who purposely bypass the filter to post fwords repeatedly or nwords repeatedly as a show of superiority.

All the E&C needs is a few good moderators to just give warnings here and there on the language and delete the fwords. That's all it needs.



Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:21 pm
by Alter-Fox
KoolBear wrote:Alter-Fox I am me "Mike Sullivan" :P I have been for over 49 years.

But the ol'timers here have only known me as KB or KoolBear for the past 15 years.
You've been in the community since the beginning... I found out that your real name was Mike Sullivan practically as soon as I came here. Since I found out so fast I assumed at least almost everyone here must have known before me... the way I understood it you're kind of a community celebrity.


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:52 pm
by TheWhat
Bet51987 wrote:Koolbear

All the E&C needs is a few good moderators to just give warnings here and there on the language and delete the fwords. That's all it needs.

"Hey whomever, will you change this about reality? It's all it needs."

Man-o-man, someone sure thinks they are important today.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:12 pm
by KoolBear
TheWhat = KoolBear now?

I guess we know who the important one is ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:17 pm
by KoolBear
I'm not here to change anything right now, I do know that the backend is in sad shape and re-creating the template isn't a small task.

I think I'll just focus on the broken things that I can fix. After 15 years you learn that somethings will remain broken.


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:59 pm
by Burlyman
TheWhat wrote:Man-o-man, someone sure thinks they are important today.
Yeah and it's not who you think it is.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:38 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
The DBB is not our window to reality, TheWhat. You should really get out more you keyboard hero. ;) :P

Desiring civil language is not somehow being in denial of reality. Reality can be an ugly thing, what sense does it make to allow the DBB or any forum to be an ugly place when it offends other members?


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:04 pm
by KoolBear
Burlyman wrote:
TheWhat wrote:Man-o-man, someone sure thinks they are important today.
Yeah and it's not who you think it is.


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:38 pm
by Isaac
Sergeant Thorne wrote:The DBB is not our window to reality, TheWhat. You should really get out more you keyboard hero. ;) :P
Very true, though I can't give the same advice... I'm still afraid of bugs and city driving so I vote stay inside, unless you have to go somewhere! I'm also afraid of snow and driving. You guys are nuts for living up north, by the way!

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:00 pm
by Top Gun
I can respect people not wanting to use certain types of language themselves, since of course that's their choice. But what I've never understood is this fundamental aversion, even almost fear, that some people show towards reading even an approximation of it. I is real life here. Not everyone is going to agree with your personal set of values. That's just the way the world works. Hell, I use my fair share of \"foul\" language on a daily basis. I find it fun to do so, and certain words just add that extra bit of punch or spice that their gentler replacements lack. And while I won't go out of my way to use it in certain circles, sometimes something will slip in there. It's not my intent to be offensive; it's just how I talk. And I'm sure that's the case for most other people who use such words. We're essentially all adults it really going to ruin your day if someone uses \"sh!t\" once in a post?


Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:44 am
by Bet51987
Top Gun wrote:....We're essentially all adults it really going to ruin your day if someone uses "****" once in a post?
You mean like Woodchip's post? Is that being adult?

Top Gun, I must admit you floored me. You are probably the last person I would have thought who would consider fwords to be ok here.


Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:58 am
by Foil
TG, it's a perfectly legitimate request, at least here at .net.

Bet has already clarified that she is not talking about \"hell\", or \"****\". She's t*lking ab*ut w*rds lik* th*se, wh*re it's p*rfectly cle*r wh*t I am s*ying.

The E&C section in particular has a long-standing tradition of keeping language moderate, and although it doesn't bother me as much, I honestly agree with her. Thinly-disguised n-words and such shouldn't need to be part of the dialogue there.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:15 pm
by Blaze
I don't see any F-words in E&C. I don't know what you guys are talking about. :P

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:38 pm
by Isaac

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:47 pm
by Foil
I had forgotten about that thread. <chuckles again at Dakatsu's exclamation> :lol:

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:48 pm
by SirWinner
It is tough to keep everything together as well as KoolBear (Mike Sullivan) has done over these past 15 to 16 years with the Descent Bulletin Board.

Life can get very very rough with all we deal with on a daily basis.

Thanks KB for a community forum that has help keep us Old and New Descenter's together.

I miss the interesting discussions here as well as many of the Old School Descenters... Sirian, CajunAce, Ages, etc.


I visit Facebook (FB) several times a week.

My Facebook Page:!/prof ... 1844242545

I have become lax on visiting this fine forum... Perhaps 1 to 4 times a month recently... back 10 years or so this site was visited several times a day.

To All: Have a great year of 2011


P. S.

My FB current profile picture is from summer of 2010 or so.

Time for another haircut to have that same look.



Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:56 pm
by Top Gun
Bet51987 wrote:You mean like Woodchip's post? Is that being adult?
Personally, I feel like woodchip's language is the least reason why he generally doesn't act like an adult, but maybe that's just me. :P
Top Gun, I must admit you floored me. You are probably the last person I would have thought who would consider fwords to be ok here.
You don't have to be all shocked here. I can't recall making it a secret that I don't mind such language in the past. Hell, over at Hard Light Productions, their forum software enables censoring to be turned off on a per-user basis, and I've left it off since the option was enabled. I have no problems with seeing, or even using, the occasional F-bomb in the proper setting, and I consider this to be a proper setting. It's an Internet forum dedicated to a PC game...we're not on a religious website or something.
Foil wrote:TG, it's a perfectly legitimate request, at least here at .net.

Bet has already clarified that she is not talking about "hell", or "****". She's t*lking ab*ut w*rds lik* th*se, wh*re it's p*rfectly cle*r wh*t I am s*ying.

The E&C section in particular has a long-standing tradition of keeping language moderate, and although it doesn't bother me as much, I honestly agree with her. Thinly-disguised n-words and such shouldn't need to be part of the dialogue there.
They may not need to, no, but again, I don't see how using the occasional one is a major issue. I'll agree that using said language to directly attack another user is a huge no-no, but calling out someone in a news story as a "****ing idiot" doesn't seem like that big of a problem.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:05 pm
by KoolBear
Thanks Sir Winner, but this community is here today because of those that have continued to carry the torch into the mines! Thank you DBB'rs!

The new forum will have the ability for users to control censoring individually, I for one will use it.

I would agree that an the English language requires some spicing up at times! Especially when we are angry ;) but there is a time and a place for everything, that said this is kind of a public forum and people from all walks of life are present here, so some moderation is a good thing. When people use anything in moderation no one finds them abusive :)

I think it all comes down to respect, do you choose to respect yourself and others or not.