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How say you .gif

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:42 pm
by Tunnelcat
The guy that created the .gif, or graphics interchange format, says that it should be pronounced with the "g" sound as in "jump" or "Jiff". I say since it denotes a "graphics" format that the "g" should be pronounced as in "graphics" or "God". What say everyone? ... index.html

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:48 pm
by Jeff250
It's pronounced "png"/"ping". :P

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 2:48 pm
by Krom
Jeff250 wrote:It's pronounced "png"/"ping". :P

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 2:52 pm
by Foil
Jeff250 wrote:It's pronounced "png"/"ping". :P

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:40 pm
by Isaac
Those that call gifs "jiffs" have got to be the same group of people that call all cokes "pop" and pronounce aunt as "UUNT", instead of "aynt".

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:09 pm
by Duper
well that's stupid. As "Graphics" uses a hard "g" .. it would only make sense.

Whatever. It's like a friend of mine pronounces gigbytes with a "j" ...first "g", not the second. o_0

and yes X4 on png. great format. Use it all the time at work. I love it when someone says..what's a png? :mrgreen:

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:31 pm
by Tunnelcat
Duper wrote:well that's stupid. As "Graphics" uses a hard "g" .. it would only make sense.

Whatever. It's like a friend of mine pronounces gigbytes with a "j" ...first "g", not the second. o_0

and yes X4 on png. great format. Use it all the time at work. I love it when someone says..what's a png? :mrgreen:
Yeah, it's kind of stupid. Graphics is pronounced with a "guh" sound, not a "juh" sound, but the creator was adamant on TV that it was supposed to be the "juh" sound. Maybe he was eating Jiff peanut butter and it made his tongue stick to the roof of his mouth when he tried to say ".gif and the rest is history. Either that, or he flunked English 101. :P

Every time I see the .png suffix, I think of ping pong for some reason. :wink:

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 5:01 pm
by Spidey
Whenever I see the .png suffix I think “oh no, another amateur artwork submission”.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 5:34 pm
by Jeff250
I immediately reject any submission that isn't a *.bmp, *.pcx, or *.msp.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:42 pm
by roid
because the topic makes me roll my eyes and it's fun to watch people 'sperg out*, when people argue about this nonsense - i'll tell them that i pronounce it: Zha-eye-ff
the Zha sound as in Jacques Cousteau.
i can't remember who popularized this, either VlogBros or PBS Idea channel.

*it's not just fun, it's a useful reveal of character. Psychology is fun shutup.

IRL i pronounce it the ordinary G way, and ppl who use the J way instantly look like pretentious children in my eyes, but it's ok i'll get used to it, every trend settles into the culture eventually. It's be a "hey remember when?" moment to reminisce about in the future. To argue about it though, as if it matters, what on earth, wow who gives a flying ★■◆●.
It's like hating on Crocs, or Bieber, or Twerking. It's all a reveal of character. ie: Why u hatin for? Why u mad bro? Srsly, y. Is this pile of beans actually adding up to a total height resembling a hill?
It's like laughing at kids being dorks (ie: being kids). WTF stop that. Do we get something outof hating on others? Meh.
wow what was the topic again?



Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:08 pm
by roid


Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:08 pm
by Duper
Spidey, I use PNG as it's fairly compressed, better res than jpg and carries a transparency layer.

Jeff, why?

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:16 am
by Jeff250
If it can't import into WordStar for Windows, then it isn't worthy anyways.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:20 am
by Duper


Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:53 am
by Capm
Speaking of pronunciation fails...

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:12 am
by vision
Duper wrote:Spidey, I use PNG as it's fairly compressed, better res than jpg and carries a transparency layer.
Came here to say that. PNG is lossless and supports color management. Sure it's not ideal for print, but not horrible either. A good pre-press operator can handle anything.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:18 pm
by Spidey
Well, I wasn’t really busting on the .png format per se, it’s just that any submission in a raster format, usually indicates the creator doesn’t understand how to create original artwork for my business, which uses vectors in general.

Rasters are ok but should be high res, and Black & white (single bit) most people can’t even discern grayscale from B&W let alone all of the full color images I receive.

You have no idea how many people submit full color (32 bit) images that are Black and white, and can’t understand what the hell is wrong. "well it is black & white?"

This is a typical day at my office….

Customer sends me a low resolution full color bitmap, I tell the customer I need a high res B&W original, they take the picture, resample and convert it to grayscale, then resubmit it.

Now it’s a high res POS.

If I tell them I would prefer a vector, they use a POS trace program like Adobe, then submit that unusable garbage, if they even know what a vector is in the first place.

Well enough of this…

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 8:58 pm
by Krom
Don't talk about vectors in a raster thread! :P

Another reason to use .png: IE6 cannot render them.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:05 pm
by Duper
welp, for what I do Spidey, png. is fine. most images are less than 3" on a side more like an inch, cut, cropped and resized from 3200 pix. on a side. ;)

The resolution isn't needed. If it was, I might use Tif or Tga, but I'm trying to keep windows docs to a manageable size. (2 meg and under). Or the Excel files to under 10 meg. :roll:

I hate making process docs in excel. Wrong tool.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:00 am
by Sergeant Thorne
I just pronounce the letters for graphical extensions. "jiff" grates on me. :P

It bugs me to no end when the local newspaper requests a .jpg for our ad, because typically they have to work with the file, and then they blithely re-compress it (it gets smaller every time, so that's a good thing right? :P). I've found that local businesses haven't been able to work with my .tif images--a loss-less format I was introduced to by my dad a long time ago, which was used in the print shop he worked in for brochures, etc. Amateurs. :P

You try to help people out and they say "can you just send me a .jpg?" Sometimes it feels like a Happy Gilmore response would be the best. ;)
Roid wrote:i'll tell them that i pronounce it: Zha-eye-ff

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 11:34 am
by Sirius
Yeah, JPEG is no good for printing - you'd think they'd realize that?

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:52 pm
by Duper
jpg. What the quality cranked up is fine for most applications. It isn't that lossy. If you crop a picture way down then stretch it out to some huge size like 1200x1200 then yeah, you're going to get all kinds of grain. Sarge, what size are you using in the finished product? (just curious)

If you're doing professional printing, that's a different matter. That ALL being said, gif really isn't needed any more as bandwidth and storage concerns relevant in the same manner as when that format was created. Animation is about all it's good for my opinion. I know a number of people that like it. *shrug*

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 12:49 pm
by Foil
It's the question of "right tool for the specific job". In my experience (mostly graphics-driven desktop/tablet applications), .png is rarely the right tool, but in certain cases it works fairly well. For example, items needing transparency which are always displayed at a given scale, like dialog overlays and menu icons, .png can fit the bill.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:20 pm
by Sirius
Thanks to the advent of DPI fetishism, I'm not too sure you can guarantee even that anymore - unless you redraw it multiple times for each supported scaling factor.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:23 pm
by flip
What begs the next question. L-ee-nux or L-ii-nux.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:48 pm
by Sirius
Short "i", like in "tin".

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:35 pm
by flip
That's what I thought too. I watched a video where they introduced Linus Torvalds and they pronounced his first name with a short i. My brother-in-law who actually introduced me to Linux and is a pretty gifted programmer himself fights me to this day and pronounces it with a long i.

EDIT: Come to think of it, He's the one I got the 5 floppies with Descent on them too.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:43 am
by Jeff250
Linus pronounces "linux" with a short "i". It's definitely the most natural pronunciation in English, and the fact that the "i" in "unix" is also short probably doesn't hurt either.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:25 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
That's why I pronounce it "l-ih-nukes" ;)

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:39 pm
by Isaac
Speaking of Linux, I call xfce "Ex face".

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:39 pm
by Aggressor Prime
flip wrote:What begs the next question. L-ee-nux or L-ii-nux.
That is a misuse of "begging the question." Begging the question is a logical fallacy that assumes the conclusion.

And it would be L-in-ux, as in "in".

And as for the OP, I leave this:

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:05 pm
by Tunnelcat
That's rich! Maybe the creator of the gif needs to watch it! :lol:

I like this one. It's a Discover Ad, but it's pretty funny.


Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:58 pm
by Avder
I cant ★■◆●ing stand that "frog protection" ad.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:42 am
by flip
Or, depending on context, can also mean to determine the pronunciation of another word that is also in great dispute. What should have been which anywho.

"In modern vernacular usage, "to beg the question" is sometimes used to mean "to raise the question" (as in "This begs the question of whether...") or "to dodge the question".[2]"

I meant 2 :P

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:55 pm
by Tunnelcat
Avder wrote:I cant **** stand that "frog protection" ad.
Ah, you're a party pooper Avder. Try this experiment with the ad. Whenever fraud or frog is spoken, they sound the pretty much the same until a visual reference is associated with the word in question. For example, when the guy is holding the frog and you hear him speak the word frog, your brain immediately locks in on frog. But when you see the telephone guy talking and he says fraud, your brain knows he said fraud. Now try and listen with your eyes closed. Bet you can't easily tell those two words apart without the visual cues. :wink:

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:24 pm
by Avder
tunnelcat wrote:
Avder wrote:I cant **** stand that "frog protection" ad.
Ah, you're a party pooper Avder. Try this experiment with the ad. Whenever fraud or frog is spoken, they sound the pretty much the same until a visual reference is associated with the word in question. For example, when the guy is holding the frog and you hear him speak the word frog, your brain immediately locks in on frog. But when you see the telephone guy talking and he says fraud, your brain knows he said fraud. Now try and listen with your eyes closed. Bet you can't easily tell those two words apart without the visual cues. :wink:
Won't work. I've unintentionally memorized too much of it because it was on so ★■◆●ing often during the Stanley Cup Playoffs this year. Brain will just replay it and fill in any blanks for me regardless of if I can see it or not.

Also I can distinguish a g from a d.

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:51 pm
by Sergeant Thorne
tunnelcat wrote:
Avder wrote:I cant **** stand that "frog protection" ad.
Ah, you're a party pooper Avder. Try this experiment with the ad. Whenever fraud or frog is spoken, they sound the pretty much the same until a visual reference is associated with the word in question. For example, when the guy is holding the frog and you hear him speak the word frog, your brain immediately locks in on frog. But when you see the telephone guy talking and he says fraud, your brain knows he said fraud. Now try and listen with your eyes closed. Bet you can't easily tell those two words apart without the visual cues. :wink:
Hehe. I've never seen that ad before, but that's funny! I can distinguish between the two with my eyes closed pretty easily. Time to get better speakers, TC. ;)

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:33 pm
by Tunnelcat
Cheater. I bet you watched it first. You can't unsee. :P

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:19 am
by Sergeant Thorne
Stop changin' the rules on me. Of course I watched it first. :P Don't hate me because I'm Superman... ;)

Re: How say you .gif

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:32 am
by Jeff250
flip wrote:"In modern vernacular usage, "to beg the question" is sometimes used to mean "to raise the question" (as in "This begs the question of whether...") or "to dodge the question".[2]"
It's one of those former mistakes like "a whole nother" that's slowly become accepted.