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I thought public gratification was illegal...

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 3:02 pm
by Tunnelcat
I guess a Trump Rally can't be considered public sex, but it must give him some sort of sexual gratification since he seems to love them more than actually working at doing a good job as The President of the Entire Country. Remember, we taxpayers pay to fly him to these stupid things too. Frankly, I'm tired of paying for our president's ego bolstering. All that I can figure is that he needs those mass hand jobs from his deluded base just to massage his fragile ego and hopefully get a distraction from that Russia investigation that's zeroing in on him like a laser. Why else does Trump go to these rallies, because the cover reason of stumping to support a Republican candidate, Rick Saccone, is a joke. He actually made Saccone, the Republican running for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, wait until THE END of his looooong weird diatribe and off script meanderings and insults to mention him at all and then all he manages to say about the man is that he's a "good person". What a stunning endorsement. If there wasn't a presidential podium with those little side wings in front of him, we'd all be vomiting from the promiscuous sexual display standing right in front of us. :P ... index.html

Trump also channeled his inner dictator bedfellow, Rodrigo Duterte, by calling for the death penalty for drug dealers, AGAIN. Wow. This country is starting to look more and more like a tinpot dictatorship every day. Thank you Republicans! It's just what we wanted. An narcissistic egomaniac of a strongman with delusions of dictator-hood with absolutely no virtue piloting our ship of state to doom. ... story.html

Oh, and speaking of boners, Trump is going to get his dictator's military parade at a reported cost of around $30 million.. No tanks or anything with treads, heaven forbid we destroy even a smidgen of our infrastructure just to give that despot a some sort of turn on, and you know that's what this is all about. Poor baby, it might not be what he wants either, since it will be even smaller than the Bastille Day Parade the French threw for him. Hmm, couldn't that money be better spent on something productive, like infrastructure, or paying down the debt? :roll: ... 2018-03-10

Re: I thought public gratification was illegal...

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:55 pm
by callmeslick
completely delusional, he talked about himself for over an hour before he mentioned the guy running for Congress.

Re: I thought public gratification was illegal...

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 6:48 pm
by TRUEpiiiicness
He has too much ego. Case closed

Re: I thought public gratification was illegal...

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 7:05 pm
by Tunnelcat
Maybe his damn head will explode. No sane person can be that delusional to believe any of the crap that spews from that man's mouth, let alone stand there and cheer it on like it's the best thing since sliced bread. What in the Hell is wrong with these people?

Re: I thought public gratification was illegal...

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:21 am
by Tunnelcat
More proof that Trump only held that stupid taxpayer-funded rally just to inflate his own ego. ... 7a0e2.html