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Anyone getting into Doom3?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:35 pm
by Iceman
My first reaction was ... "Is this a joke or what?". I couldn't see chit so I turned my monitor gamma up to 2.0 and upped the in-game brightness to the max ... somewhat better but still hard on the eyes so I went onward ...

Then I discovered the flashlight. I quickly realized that when I ran around holding the damn thing I would get my @$$ kicked in a hurry by these really creepy sub-human screaming monkeys or whatever the he|| they are. Jeez ... they scare the chit outta me.

I find myself reloading my weaps then running down a hall for a few yards until I hear some ungodly sound then running backwards and blasting the chit outta anything that moves.

Even with the darkness that hurts my eyes after a little playing, I think I am getting hooked on this game. I would love to hook up with some folks that feel the same about dm3 and play some ...

BTW: Radeon 9800 Pro 128 runs it damn well at high resolution.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:39 pm
by DCrazy
I assume by the monkeys you mean the Imps. They were NEVER that bad in Doom or Doom 2. They're fricken scary as hell now.

I just came back from playing at my friend's. Overall, I still say it's not worth my $50, but that whole command panel interface thing they have going is pretty nifty. :D

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:47 pm
by Iceman
Oh yeah, and the alien bulldog from hell or whatever it is ... That sucker will bite your privates off in a heartbeat ...

I'm in Section 1 - EPD Contaminant Purge ... the area right after repairing the gas leak. I haven't figured out how to open that jammed door yet. I suppose I'll have to read all the latest email to figure it out.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:58 pm
by Nitrofox125
*raises hand* Yeah I got it a few days ago, and I'm pretty hooked on it :) ....can' the dark... anymore...

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:23 pm
by Gooberman
The darkness gets to my eyes, especially those parts that have no lighting whatsoever except for the flash light.

I can only play the game for like an hour before I need a brake away from it.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 11:21 pm
by Mr. Perfect
There is a mod that adds a small flashlight to the shotgun and the machine gun(what a ★■◆●ing concept, right?). With that mod I haven't had to adjust the monitor or in-game brightness settings. Grab it here.

Personally, I'm starting to loose interest. If I'm reading what you wrote correctly, then I've gotten past where you are(I'm a fair way into the Alpha labs). It's begining to get predictable... Walk into a room with a window? Look for something to jump on the glass. Empty room with supplies in it? Have fun trying to guess what's going to materialize after you pick the items up. Etc, etc. I dunno. Maybe I've just played it to much today.

That and its not scaring me as much anymore. When a panel would fall of the wall or a electric line would pop I used to jump and look for something to fill full of holes, but it just doesn't have that effect anymore. Now I just get start to panic when it seems like I can't hit something. I imagine that to will fade when I get the chainsaw and they wont want to rush at me anymore. ;)

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 11:31 pm
by Krom
I just went through hell, gotta say the graphics are spectacular, I was having a blast owning everything that moved. Took me a while to figure out the boss in hell tho, but once I knew what to do I shut him down fast.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:02 am
by Iceman
For those of you that are impatient ...

Doom 3 Single Player Cheat Codes

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:16 am
by Skyalmian

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:14 am
by Iceman
Oh yeah ...

OMG Look what time it is!!!

Go to bed biutches, its 4:15 AM

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:19 am
by Jeff250
Don't worry, just about to, except I was up playing D2-- Diablo 2 hehe. I haven't played D3 in a few days, but I had just gotten past putting those toxic barrels into that oversized trash can. Anyone else think that that seemed D3, err, Descent3-esque? Of course, in Descent3, you were trying to create a disturbance, rather than Doom3's wimpy attempt to remove it. :twisted:

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 5:08 am
DoomIII rocks, I'm on round 2 ..NIGHTMARE

Always on Flashlight??? Too Dark?? guys are DESCENT FLARE FAGS!
Or you never played D1 and D2...everything was DARK!

Cheats...WTF needs cheats...get a life and play the was it was intended

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:07 am
by WarAdvocat
I just killed Sarge last night. I'm a couple days behind the curve :\ Currently I'm down at the bottom of one of the sites after a long ride on a diagonal elevator thingy.

Awesome game, scary as hell, although some aspects of the game ARE pretty predictable.

Every powerup gets you tensed up for an ambush, for example. Couple of Super-Mario moments which quickly pall. Couple of nifty puzzles (although they are super easily solved by any descent vet), and OMG..

Lots of great scary moments tho. Genuine goosebumps when the ghostly voice called me into that corridor...[spoiler]and said "they took my baby!"[/spoiler]

I'd say it's been worth the money, based on absorbtion, gameplay and scarey factor. And let's not forget the graphics, which are keen as all hell.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:55 am
by Warlock

i uninstalled it last night. played it, beat it, toss it to the side. :|

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:14 am
by Kd527
lol. I still remember the first one. The only thing good about it was the engine. kinda discusting.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:23 am
by ZappaFan
I'm totally into it.

The darkness is part of the story. Monsters trash the place, power goes down, room gets dark. You are not equipped with night fighting equipment, so you do the best you can with what ya got. I put the flashlight hotkeyed on G, so it's pretty quick to switch back and forth between it and my favorite weapon. Moving around vulnerable with the flashlight adds a lot to the tension and gameplay. There's no way I'm playing with a cheesy weapon light mod. Somebody posted in practically the same breath that they checked that out and that they are now getting bored with the game. Connect the dots! Why not just get a mod so that every room is 100% bright? The game is not all totally dark everywhere. I do a lot of moving around without the flashlight. First secure an area, then really go over it well with the flashlight.

The flashlight rocks!

This is the first game in a long time that I've found myself getting totally sucked in by. From a technical standpoint the game is stunning. The AI seems pretty decent, and the movement of the monsters is pretty cool. I love it when one of the bad soldier dudes drops and rolls firing his weapon.

The main thing I don't like is when monsters pop out of a hidden "closet". That gives it a certain "carnival spook house" kind of feel and cheeses the game slightly. Detracts a little from the realism. But it's a minor gripe compared to how much I'm enjoying playing it otherwise.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:30 am
by Pun
I think there was an imp under my bed last night.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:36 am
by Arch

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:03 am
by Pun
Yeah, like that.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:23 am
by XeonJr
HEH! Came across this review :P

"WOW, the graphics are... dark... But at least the gameplay... sucks. Here's an idea for anyone thinking of paying money for this crap - get the original Doom, and just close your eyes. It's so freaking dark that even if you run around with your flashlight on all the time, you can't see anything! Supposedly they can produce pure water and hydrogen fuel easily on a Mars space station, but they can't turn on a light? What kind of crap is that? You stumble through these "wonderfully rendered" levels and fall under attack by... the dark? I guess sometimes you can see the glowing eyes of the bad guys. That's about all. On the plus side, there's almost no room to move around, so they can't get out of the way of your weapon fire any more than you can get out of the way of theirs. This is great fun if you just like to shut your eyes and hope you hit stuff."

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:39 am
by Warlock
i agree with that so much.

the ending suck ass so much, it was one of thoes "beat the boss, u get saved, the end", i had a funney felling from the start it was ganna be one of thoes "Hey look what we can do" games.

i was one of thoes DM3 will owne HL2 now im starting to lean towards HL2 cause with Sierra people working on it i know the story will be alot better than DM3's. I hope.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:00 am
by DCrazy
JFTR, Warlock, Sierra doesn't exist anymore. Which is somewhat unfortunate because Sierra owned the Hoyle trademark. I agree that HL2's story will be a lot better. And yeah, Doom 3 definitely feels like a tech demo.

Overall, Doom 3 was *very* Half-Life-ish. Push switch, go through door, get attacked. Hell, even the opening sequence reminded me of Half-Life. And I believe the intro to HL2 is going to be similar to HL1's as well... except on a train instead of a monorail.

I must commend the Valve folks on the idea for HL2, however. Finally, a sci-fi game that DOESN'T take place in an "underground facility"!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:17 am
by Grendel
Warlock wrote:the ending suck *** so much, it was one of thoes "beat the boss, u get saved, the end", i had a funney felling from the start it was ganna be one of thoes "Hey look what we can do" games.
Of course -- it's DooM from id for crying out loud. Remember Quake ? Same thing, it was basically a tech demo and really took of w/ QII. DooM3 is a pretty good demo tho :P

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:18 am
by XSabre
I dunno, i just dont find the game scary. Creepy at best, and i like the voices that you hear sometimes. I wish they would've done more stuff like this that plays around with your mind making you think theres something there with you, but instead there is actually nothing, sort of a paranoia factor (they did this once in one area). But the way they have it is just: go into room, pick up item, monsters come out either by teleporting, hidden doors or whatnot, and then blast them. This happens over and over...i would've liked to see some kind of different patterns and variety. Like Mr. Perfect said its just too predictable and you can hear the monsters scream usually before you see them alerting you to their presence. I'm hoping nightmare mode will be a lot more challenging then veteran...that's probably my #1 motivation to finish the game. The darkness i like, it does make sense that the lights would go out with all the monsters around and such. It's kind of weird that there wouldnt be nightvision goggles or flashlight mounted guns in the year 2145 lying around...but the flashlight they give you works well enough. I like all the little ironic jokes the developers threw in, "UAC, Bringing humanity closer to heaven," or reading some of the emails saying things such as "man, one day all hell is going to break loose around here." :lol: Overall i think its a nice game, but people are hyping it up way more then it deserves.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 5:48 pm
by Mr. Perfect
ZappaFan wrote:There's no way I'm playing with a cheesy weapon light mod. Somebody posted in practically the same breath that they checked that out and that they are now getting bored with the game. Connect the dots!
If I'm getting bored only because I have a chance to see the enemies, then there's something seriously wrong with the game... What I actually said in the same breath as my complaint was that it's way to predictable.:P

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:56 pm
by CDN_Merlin
say it I just finished the game and all I can "DOOM IV".

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:10 pm
by Nitrofox125
Where's Sage when you need him to whip up a "Version IV" of something? ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:15 pm
by Skyalmian

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 10:52 am
by Sage
Nitrofox125 wrote:Where's Sage when you need him to whip up a "Version IV" of something? ;)
dude! check this out!!!!!!!

once and IF i get Doom 3 I shall make a FOUR!! I dunno if it'll run on my system though....
P4 2.4c - Gf4 ti4200(64mb) - 1gig ddr

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 11:15 am
by DCrazy
You'll definitely be able to run it on Medium. I ran it on High on my friend's P4 2.4 w/ 1 gig DDR on high, but he has a Radeon 9800XT. No skipped frames whatsoever. :D

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:44 pm
by Grendel
Skyalmian wrote:I'm sure someone out there will decide to remake Doom II in Doom 3. :P
Heh -- would be really mood. Dm3 IS a re-done Dm2..

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:53 pm
by Skyalmian
Doom 3 is a redone Doom 1. Doom 2 was all about Earth.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 1:29 pm
by Flatlander
It's alright - nothing revolutionary in terms of gameplay. I have no problem with the darkness (I've played darker games, like AvP) - I bound my flashlight to my right mouse button, so I could easily switch between flashlight/weapon. I have noticed several annoying bugs (features?). There seems to be some sort of lag time before the game recognizes keypresses: like, if I'm moving and hit reload, it doesn't always register, or switching between flashlight and weapon; hitting the flashlight key while using it should switch back to last weapon used. So I'll be exploring some dark area with the flashlight, and some nasty demon pops out at me; I hit right-mouse button (should switch to weapon), then left-mouse button to fire; what actually happens is that the right-mouse click isn't registered correctly and I end up trying to whack the baddy with the flashlight. Perhaps it's my KVM, or I may need to investigate some game settings. The other problem I've had is getting "stuck" on things - everything including crates, barrels, doorways, pipes, walls, etc.; always at the worst time, too. Eh, I'll finish it then uninstall. Maybe there'll be some better mods or games later on.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 1:41 pm
by Gooberman
Finished it last week, the ending was amazingly short. Overall SP I would give 7/10. Great at first, but then gets stail.

I wont uninstall though,

because this game will get moded to death.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 3:58 pm
by Tetrad
Flatlander wrote:hitting the flashlight key while using it should switch back to last weapon used. So I'll be exploring some dark area with the flashlight, and some nasty demon pops out at me; I hit right-mouse button (should switch to weapon), then left-mouse button to fire; what actually happens is that the right-mouse click isn't registered correctly and I end up trying to whack the baddy with the flashlight.
I think it's a bug wherein you're using your flashlight and go to your PDA. Hitting the flashlight button again seems to have forgotten your last weapon.

At least that's what I think is wrong.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:26 pm
by Flatlander
Tetrad wrote:I think it's a bug wherein you're using your flashlight and go to your PDA. Hitting the flashlight button again seems to have forgotten your last weapon.

At least that's what I think is wrong.
No, it's not that (although I have had that happen, also). It's more that the game can't keep up with my mouse clicking or keyboard presses - like there is some sort of minimum interval required between multiple mouse clicks / keypresses. That's why I think it might be my KVM (Quake III does some funny keyboard things with my KVM, too). For example, I have the shotgun active and get to a dark area. Right-click, switch to flashlight. Demon spawns and starts to attack. I right-click to switch back to shotgun, then left-click to fire. It never registers, and I end up using the flashlight's melee mode. Then I panic cuz I'm getting mauled (and inevitably hung up on some post/wall/door/barrel behind me) and start mashing buttons madly, finally kill the demon and have like 20 health left :) I'll haveta try bypassing my KVM (only have one active computer right now, anyhow).

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:03 am
by Flatlander
Bypassed my KVM, same thing happens. Annoying, but still playable.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:26 pm
by Matrix
What I hate is he delay after u fire the shot gun until it recognizes that u hit the reload button
I wind up hitting reload like 2 or 3 times, does nothing, and then I have to hit it again before it reloads

I know the delay is supposed to be there, but at least it should reload once the cycle completes even if u pressed the button before it was done

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 9:27 pm
by Neitzl
These two bozos got into Doom3 in a big way...
if it's acting or not, i don't's funny as hell!

(about 7M d/l, if this has been posted already..sorry)

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 9:41 pm
by Matrix
umm, that was a waste