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KOTOR and KOTOR 2 :)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:00 am
by []V[]essenjah
Anyone play this game?

I don't usually like RPG games but this one is damn good. I like the characters, the acting is really well done, and it is very involving and is addictive once you get into it. I also like the fact that the game is all over beefy. You can also turn to the dark side whenever you want and you have to be smart with those you deal with. I like the fact that you can turn to the dark side or stick to the light. I keep wanting to go dark but I always end up going light. I guess I as a person am not built that way. Whenever I did something dark it was because I had another motive behind it. The only thing I wish is that there was a way you could turn to the dark side when you get interrogated at certain points. The other downfall of the game is this damn wookie bug that wasn't even fixed in the X-Box version so at some point you have 10 wookies on board your ship. And you no longer can use you'r T3 Unit (I think that's what he is called). Also, if you don't ask the sandpeople for Griff or you kill all of the sandpeople and open all the holding cells you can't come back and get him later, even when activating the other events.

Anyway, I love each character. I wonder how 2 is?

I'm currently using twin assassin blades, a dark jedi robe (although I am light), a mask for poison, assassine gloves, an adrenaline unit, and a couple of really nice sheild units. I'm nearly unstoppable. :)

So, how is 2?

I was going to post more on Halo 2 and HL2 but I'm too addicted to this game to stop. Even though your movement is limited and I would rather that you had live fight abilities, it is still big, beefy, and damn good! :)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:37 pm
by Vertigo 99
KOTOR is, alongside Half Life 2, my favorite game of all time.

I was so involved in the game, I was so taken by every plot twist and turn, it was incredible. When I beat the game as a Light Side character, the ending made me pump my arms into the air and say, really loud, at 2 in the morning, "YES!"

This is the best Star Wars movie since Return of the Jedi.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:04 pm
by fliptw
wait for the PC version.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 9:31 pm
by kurupt
how long before kotor2 hits pc? i'm not a big fan of console games when its available on pc. i only play the ones that arent.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:15 pm
by Samuel Dravis
I'm waiting for the PC version of TSL. I loved KotOR though. I played it at least 5-6 times through. :D

TSL for PC is coming out sometime in Febuary.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:58 pm
by []V[]essenjah
I just beat the first one on X-Box.

What the heck was wrong with the ending? They said something about going to a victory party after a couple of cool cutscenes and then the screen goes back. No credits, and I thought I heard there was a whole nother section to the ending. Something about a speach and some fireworks? Hmmm...

Also, for those who have X-Box, what the heck was going on with all the wookies? I had 10 wookies walking around my ship all named Zaalibar. :(

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:17 am
by Vertigo 99
wow. i played the computer version, it does indeed have an ending cutscene, and its awesome.

i didnt have any problems / glitches with it.

The PC version comes out FEBRUARY 2005. Yea, i know its late. I'm waiting as well.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 3:27 am
by []V[]essenjah
I wonder if I entered some kind of weird cheat code with the wookie deal or if the or if the disk was just screwed up. I've never seen a consol game have a major bug like this. Especially one that sells as well as this game does for X-Box and I've never heard of anyone else having problems.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 7:41 am
by Beowulf
Played KOTOR 1 like a year ago and I agree its one of my favorites of all time alongside Zelda games and Halo2. I had a hard time playing dark side because my concious bothered me. It was weird...but anyway I beat the game on light side and dark side and then I figured I'd trade it in. Then I picked up KOTOR 2 yesterday.

Its the same engine, graphics, etc. They added some extras as far as items and character interaction but the battle system is still the same. I'm still on Peragus and trying to get back to the Ebon Hawk. Hopefully I'll get to play more today than I did yesterday. Still as addicting as the other one, but so far not as much NPC interaction and sideplots (which really made the game as awesome as it was) since you're stranded on this deserted mining station and everyone is dead besides you and two other people when you first start out.

The main difference is the game feels a lot darker. The storyline feels heavier in this one.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 7:41 am
by Beowulf

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:59 pm
by Top Wop
I eagerly anticipate the PC release. I'm playing through the first one right now and enjoying it alot. It was funny though, I bought it last year and it collected dust for a year before Messenger convinced me to give it a second chance. Once you get past the boring intro it gets better and ive been hooked ever scince.

Its faults like restrictive view and absense of first person view bothers me though, it doesnt allow you to appreciate the grandeur of the game and design of the levels as much, but the other parts of the game make up for it.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:13 pm
by MehYam
KOTOR was decent, had a good storyline. If you liked it for that reason, I'd recommend hitting up the bargain bin for Planescape Torment.

How does it compare to Fable, anyone play both?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 12:05 am
by fliptw
MehYam wrote:How does it compare to Fable, anyone play both?
Peter Molyneux apologized for it, what does that tell you?

Think Ultima IX from the reviews I've read.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:51 am
by []V[]essenjah
Well I bought KOTOR 2 for X-Box. I figured for it's graphics I might as well have it on the box. The controles are also very easy with the S-Type. I also figured that I would rather spare the space my hard drive for other things. It also gives me the advantage of sharing this great game with others. Thus far, I really like the second one. Very interesting and much darker than the first. I love a good storyline that is very dark. I just wish I knew if that HK model was HK-47. :) And I'm wondering what happened to Bastilla. Anyway, I guess we shall find out.

Sure there aren't any side quests yet. But it is only the first mission. :) It is setting up the plot I'm sure. :)

BTW Beo, you had the exact same problem I did. I wanted to go darkside but somehow my concience wouldn't allow for it. I literally got frustrated at times because of this. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:52 am
by kurupt
i debated getting it for xbox just because i could have it now instead of in february, but then i thought of all the mods and different things that can be done to it on pc to make the replay value much much higher, and i stuck the $50 back in the bank. ;) i'm sure its great on xbox though.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:19 pm
by Vertigo 99
heh; i played the game on the light side first and had a blast.

the 2nd time, i went all-out dark side. although i had no problems tuning myself into the darkside (actually, i beat the game on darkside a lot DARKER than i was LIGHT the first time i played it), i didn't have as much fun.

then, i tried to play the game as a "grey" jedi. that was interesting.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:33 pm
by Neitzl
I've played both KOTOR and Fable, and lemme tell ya...KOTOR is so much better than Fable. So much more.
I haven't bought KOTOR 2 yet, but I will, and I'll love it just as much as the original, GODDAMMIT! :)
KOTOR is just plain awesome.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:41 am
by []V[]essenjah
Damn the new swoop tracks are impossible.... lol :) Still a good game though. I can barely fly through the things without hitting anything let alone win anything.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:26 am
by []V[]essenjah
Here is the response I would like to give this guy....

I'm really sorry mister green tail-head that I hit one of those five dozen tiny red mines you stuck in the middle of the course while going at about 900 mph. :P

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 3:34 am
by []V[]essenjah
They totally screwed up swoop racing in the second game. It's nothing like the first. The first was too easy, but this is waaaay too difficult. To be honest, I don't even know how to beat it. They tell you that the last guy is over 50 seconds, 3rd is 48 seconds, 2nd is 42 seconds (I think), and 1st is 40 seconds. I made a time of 42 seconds and they stated that I came in last!! The records show that I should have been in second place!!

In the first game you get payed for every rank you gain. The swoop track is also loaded with mines and jumps this time so it makes it nearly impossible to even fly on them. I've been trying for about 3-4hrs straight in practice runs and he still states that I'm not ready for a real race.